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Now, for the nick names, DON'T copyright other creepypasta's nickname's. No: "John the killer" because by the time people see the name of the story they will thing that it's just another Jeff the killer fanfiction, and thing that your OC is stupid and uncreative and probably won't even read it. So for your shake, don't do it.
So how do you make a nickname? Well that's not an easy part but i think i can help. You could use anything! Your OC is emotionally dead inside and can't feel anything? "Alice grey" Since grey a color which gives you no emotion it's exactly between The white of happiness and innocent and black the black of death, sadness and sin, or there simply symbolized that way, so gray is not happy it's not sad it's not sinful it's not innocent it's just there. Now remember the names, you probably didn't notice but some of the names are symbolic. "Lilith", "Scarlet", "Venous", "Rain", "Alice" and "Raven" are all symbolic with different meanings.
First we have Lilith, she was the first wife of Adam and was made of mud just like Adam but because she wasn't listening to Adam's instructions so Adam decided to to talk with God. So God gave Lilith a choice, either she would leave the garden and live as a demon, but she would finally be free or she would stay but always commit to Adam's will. Lilith left heaven and was replaced by Eve. Know i would like to say that i didn't make Lilith. Lilith is a real mythological character like Adam. She existed in religion but simply didn't get popular, so that's why you didn't hear about her in history class. Now if you name your oc Lilith try and make her Feminist, a badass and confident. She's probably the type to make her first kill while in self-defense or maybe she killed out of hatred. If you name your oc "Lilith" you could make her backstory focus around sexism. But make sure to use it right, and do NOT make her cry in the bathrooms because a boy told her to "Make him a sandwich" if someone told that to Lilith then they might end up being completely overpowered. So remember she's a badass, confident and a rule breaker, but not aggressive.
So, you saw how you can choose your characters name to match and symbolize a mythological character. This is something you could do with both female and male characters. Also at the chapter named "Names" you saw how you can turn a single world like "Masked" into name "Kamen" you could also do other stuff like "burning" or "Idol". But what about "Scarlet", "Venous", "Rain", "Alice" and "Raven".

Well, those one's are easier, "Scarlet" is not only a name but a color which so happens to be really close to the color of blood, so if your character is usually covered in blood you could name her "Scarlet" or if he is a guy and he lives a color very much you could name him that "Navy". See! You can turn anything into name! Even a color!

But "Venous"? I might hear you ask. Well "Venous" is a Greek god, she symbolizes "Envy" so if your oc is a yandere who kills for love "Venous" would be the perfect name!

What about "Rain" so if your Creepypasta was abandoned in a rainy night? Then she was found and given that name? Be creative with it!

"Alice" I have two explanations for this one! Maybe she loves the character "Alice" from the movie "Alice in wonderland!" or maybe she is suffering from the syndrome "Alice in wonderland" which is a syndrome the victim see's small objects as big one's and the other way around! We saw it happen before "Pinkemania" "Sonik exe." We even saw Pickactsi! Even this super creepy one and ths truth is i really don't remember it's name but i remember freaking out!

"Wait.. Raven... no you didn't" i hear some of you saying. But yeah you could even use a freaking bird to make a name, "Fox". Just call them monkey because they like climbing a lot of spagetti monster's shake!

So hear you have it you can use anything as a name, ANYTHING! JUST DON'T NAME THEM JOHN! You can use mythological characters, colors, gods, weather stuff, disorders, important parts from their backstory, animals YOU COULD EVEN CALL THEM CHAIR IN JAPANESE IF THEY LIKE SITTING A LOT! So be creative with it goodbye and remember "The cat died knowing."

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