You've been fed lies: Design

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I've been an artist for quite some time and let me tell you. One of the most common advise you get is: DON'T USE NEON COLORS, DON'T GIVE THEM A CAT TAIL, DON'T DO THAT, DON'T DO THIS, DON'T DO- This is all complete and utter bullsh*t. You can do whatever the f*ck you want. As long as it makes sense.
Is your character wearing neon clothes? Maybe everyone does, cause disco is popular in hi's/her's/their generation. Want to give them a tail? Maybe everyone around them is an otaky. Gosh if you want to kill someone unnoticed in a furry convention, you dress like a furry.
Next criticism you'll hear is: DON'T USE HOODIES IT'S SO OVERUSED! Let me tell you something. Do you know why hoodies are so popular? Because they are the best. What does Jeff, Hoodie and Masky all have in common? Hoodies. And they are all famous creepypastas. Someone who wears a hoodie is: Not getting attention, ordinary, warm and if their  a teenager, you fail to see them as a threat. Hoodies are your best friend if you are a killer working in the real world, don't push them aside.
You can do everything you want with your design. Make it make sense in your world and a rainbow-haired purple-eyed girl dressed head to toe in neon colors will fit in just fine. Don't make your character boring just to be "original" cause then you won't be happy.
Anyway, bye loves! And remember! "The cat died knowing."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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