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So, parents and the Jeff the killer cliche trend of killing them... Yeah... NO! I think that a lot of people think that it's a must-do then creating a creepypasta OC, but no, try as hard as you can to avoid it, parents and siblings are actually a HUGE advantage for your character, I'll explain later. But try not to make them abuse their children, and DO NOT make the father alcoholic, just, don't, It's super cliche and it can ruin a great character, maybe give him a mental disorder? That actually sounds kinda better, but try not to use phycopathy, it's over used, and try as hard as you can not to kill them, they gave birth to you for spaghetti monster's shake! They can be SO useful! Don't throw away your chance by making them useful. Now, let's say that your character uses poisonous chemicals or poison to kill it's victims. How does a high schooler know how to make and use dangerous chemicals? They do NOT teach you that stuff in school okay? But, there is still hope, the parents, maybe they are chemists and want their children to follow their path? How does a high schooler know how to properly use a knife, maybe their mother or father are working as a soldier, or even a butcher, or maybe your OC goes camping every year with their brother or sister, and they learned to use knifes as a life skill, or maybe they go hunting with their family every now and then. Just be creative with it! Wait, what if you want your OC to have resistance in pain, not freaking out when they see gore, and know the best way to cut someone's neck, what if one or both their parents where... Creepypasta's? Now I'm not saying that you should make your OC Slenderman's son or daughter, NEVER do that, just don't use cannon creepypasta character's in your story, NEVER! But what if, your OC is the son/daughter of a serial killer that you created just for your story, like Ayano Chan's mother from yandere simulator? How cool would it be to read a creepypasta, love it and then read another creepypasta about the characters mother! If I read that then the look in my face would look almost identical to Slendorman's!

That's pretty much all I wanted to say, I know it's kinda small, but I really wanted to share my opinion in that stuff, bye and remember "The cat died knowing."

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