Mental Illness - Disabilities

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May I ask you a question? Are you mentally ill or disabled? Either way I won't judge. So you want to make a character who has a mental illness or disability? Is the illness you chose an illness you have? Then fine, go ahead, write freely my friend. But wait the mental illness or disability you want your character to have not a disability or mental illness you have? Read bellow.
Creepypastas and horror movies have demonized mentally ill, black, pagan, trans, gay and disabled people for ages. It is 2020. You have no excuse to do that. If you want to write such a character, do your research, reach out to people of such communities, let them review it and give you feedback, adjust your story in a way that does not contribute to the demonization of minority groups.
If you want to research a mental Illness or disability find strictly academic papers written by doctors. Then after you do your research, reach out, throw the internet to people having such illness or disability and let them tell you what you did right or wrong.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Always be respectful and open-minded. For example: People who have autism are constantly treated as they have zero autonomy. And although that might be the case for some, there are a lot of autistic people suffering due to the stereotypes made by non-autistic harsh people. Especially horror movies have depicted mentally ill people as "r*t@rted", "dangerous" and in some cases pedophilic or incestuous. These stereotypes are harming real people in real life. And although a slightly problematic creepypasta may not have caused the problem, it can contribute to the problem.
Just always remember to write respectfully, stories can affect real people, and at last, I am sorry for a very depressing, down-to-earth, miserable chapter, but this needed to be said. Goodbye. And remember "The cat died knowing"

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