About Lovette

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"Get on with the story!" You scream. And I hear you. You, my impatient reader, have full permission to skip this part entirely, unless you want to hear about my Mary Sue™ of a character in full, glorious detail. You're welcome.

Name: Lovette Wolf

Age: 15

Birthday: January 23rd

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 180 lbs

Hero name: White Wolf  (Yes, I'm so, so original)

Hair color and style: Creamy white, curly (3A) hair that falls to her hips, most often worn in a dutch braid for ease and convenience.

Eye color: Silver-blue

Features: Deep, warm-brown skin; button nose dusted in freckles; hooded eyes, usually with makeup applied;  an oval-shaped face; double-pierced earlobes; white, fluffy wolf ears and tail. She cannot remove or un-transform these--they are permanent.

Character's body build: Muscular and athletic

 Character's body build: Muscular and athletic

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(I pulled these picture off Google Images; if anyone wants then taken down, let me know and I will certainly oblige! The owner of these picture's instagram is melvinn)

Backstory: Grew up in a well-off family in the American Southeast. When her mom got a job in Japan, they relocated there. (Her dad works from home.)

Schooling: She's home schooled, and as such has a lot of free time, which is all spent doing school because her mom want her to have an eDuCaTiOn. This is the reason why she's already finished high school and is doing online college classes. (She takes only the hero course in U.A. since she's already taken those classes.)

Smarts: Book smarts: 9/10. Street smarts: 6/10. She's the type to get A's in almost everything but have no idea when someone is trying to scam her.

Hobbies: Psh, what the heck are hobbies? Okay, okay. She has one hobby: languages. She's fluent in German, English, American Sign Language, and Japanese, as well as learning the German and Japanese Sign Languages. She also likes weightlifting, but she doesn't consider it a hobby.

Personality: Introverted and a bit sarcastic. She is extremely obedient, but talks back a lot while doing so. Pessimist in a constant state of observation. Has a hard time switching from logic-mode to emotion-mode. Not very empathetic, but still compassionate.

Quirk: Werewolf. If her special saliva (which she can activate at will) gets into someone's bloodstream, then they will transform into a wolf. This takes anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute or two. These transformed wolves have a strong desire to obey any direct command she gives. Transformation duration is extremely unstable. Blood type, body type, blood pressure, activity, amount of saliva that got into the bloodstream, and a few other factors contribute to the time most people will be transformed. She can generally rely on people staying transformed twenty minutes to an hour. However, it has happened that people were immune to her quirk altogether. Transformed people do NOT have the ability to make more werewolves.

As for Lovette herself, she can transform at will, but it takes an immense amount of energy and is inconvenient most all of the time. Also, she can speak to and understand canines. The main drawback for this quirk is the clothing inconvenience, as well as the people that get ticked at her afterwards because I mean, she kind of bit them and turned them into a dog.

Costume at the beginning of series: Fairly simple, since all she wanted was for it to be extra stretchy in case of transformation. It consists of: a short-sleeve pastel pink cropped shirt, special white skater skorts (skirt with shorts underneath, basically) to make way for her tail, and white tennis shoes with pastel pink stripes. Carries a pink messenger bag with a spare change of clothes at all times.

Ultimate Move(s):

     Fetch: Commanding her "pack" to chase down and retrieve her enemy.

     Lock Jaw: Pinning her opponent to the ground and holding her bite on their arm for an especially long time in an effort to make the transformation last longer.

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