About Taichi

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Name: Taichi Honda

Age: 15

Birthday: April 15th

Height: 5'8"

Weight: About 150 lbs

Hero name: Baiku.

Hair color and style: Cobalt blue, wavy hair that looks stylishly disheveled, cropped just short enough to prevent from falling into his face.

Eye color: Black

Features: Light, olive-toned skin; a bright, cheerful smile that constantly tugs at his lips

Character's body build: Fairly thin, but with lean muscle

Backstory: Grew up in a middle-class family. After discovering his quirk at a young age, decided that he wanted to be a pro hero. He was supported by his parents, even though they had no experience with pro heroes and had no idea how to help him succeed. He applied to U.A. and ended up doing fairly well despite not having an operator.

Schooling: Went through the normal school system, plus some extra classes and tutors to try to get his grade up to par.

Smarts: Book smarts: 7.5/10. Street smarts: 9/10.

Hobbies: Video gaming, cars and vehicles, building computers, working with mechanical stuff.

Personality: Friendly and very empathetic. Extroverted, a little goofy but has his serious moments, respectful and compliant for the most part. Doesn't like being pushed around, though.

Quirk: Motorcycle. As the name suggests, he can transform into a motorcycle. (Weird...but cool.) Unfortunately, the things he can do without an operator are limited. He can still drive and stuff, but not very well. He also has an innate knack for operating vehicles, mechanics, and electronics. He is also solar-powered, which means that he tends to spend a lot of time in the sun in both forms. Can run on the energy from stored fat or muscle in an extreme emergency, but it won't last long.

 Can run on the energy from stored fat or muscle in an extreme emergency, but it won't last long

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(I found this picture on google images. Not a hundred percent sure who it belongs to. Will take down if requested to.)

Costume: Black and blue track suit with black and blue tennis shoes. He prefers comfort over everything else.

 He prefers comfort over everything else

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(Both of these images are stock photos pulled from google images

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(Both of these images are stock photos pulled from google images. I will pull them down if necessary.)

Ultimate Move(s):

     Forced Rider: Grabbing someone and transforming, which forces him under them. After that, he can do a multitude of things, for instance driving them to the police station at incredibly high speeds.

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