Chapter Five: The Battle Commences

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     Lovette's shriek rang out through the entire building as they flew down the bumpy staircase. She felt as if her poor backside and tail were being belted with a dozen hammers, repeatedly. A laughing emoticon flashed on the screen as they slowed down and the engine revved again.

     She took a short breath of relief, but shrieked again as they made a sharp turn in nearly the opposite direction, towards the Ruins Zone.

     "Why didn't you warn me?!" She screamed in English, holding her skorts down with one hand so it didn't fly up.

     Sorry!  flashed on the screen, but she only glanced at it a moment before gripping the handlebars in fright. A downed power line whizzed by her head, missing the tips of her ears by only a few inches.

     They twisted and turned through the buildings, narrowly dodging rubble and making sharp turns. Lovette's grip on the handlebars tightened so much she could feel the blood rushing from her knuckles. She clenched her eyes shut, but that only made leaning for the turns a hundred times worse. It would feel like they were going to tip over ever time. She would whimper and brace for impact, but it would never come.

     They pulled into an alley way, slowing down to fast that she almost face planted into the handlebars. Lovette dismounted, although it was more like she tumbled off the seat and landed on the ground with a grunt.

     Metal parts rearranged to form limbs, then retreated from the skin, leaving a grinning Taichi. He tilted his head at her in curiosity. "You okay?"

     Clenching her heart, she tried taking deep breaths to calm herself down. She huffed and glared at him, sticking her lip out in a mock pout. "No! I nearly died from fright there! You meanie!" She teased, standing up and dusting herself off with a few flicks of her wrist.

     He rubbed his neck. "Sorry! I try warn you next time."

    She shrugged, a smile tugging at her lips. "No problem. It just surprised me. At least you got us here quick. And--your quirk is so cool!"

     A ray of pride beamed across his face, giving him a twinkle in his black eyes. "Thanks!"

     She nodded and tapped a finger to her lips in thought. "What now? Have any strategies?"

     His eyes narrowed into a squint, but then his face lit up in understanding. "Strategy! Yes! You bite people, take scarf, get people out, and win. That our strategy."

     "That sounds like a good plan," she smiled. "I was thinking that we could either try getting people out as quickly as possible using your quirk to zoom around, or using my quirk to sneak up on people from behind and bite them. That's if we want to go on the offensive. If we want to be on the defensive, then we can use either your quirk or my quirk. It would be best to find either a good place to defend or stay on the move."


     "Yes...what?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

     "Yes. We go get people out. Use my quirk get there fast, use your quirk, get scarf, and win," he said, nodding.

     "Alright, so we go on the offensive," she said, half to herself. "I don't know if it's the best thing that I ride with these clothes," she looked down at her crop-top shirt and knee-length skorts. "If an accident or something were to happen, I would be really scarred up."

     He bit his lip and nodded. "You not want use my quirk? Use yours?"

     "Hmm...I don't know. I think it would be best to--"

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