Dare pt 3

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The door opens and my mom walks in. Tracy moves her hand and mom freezes and stops moving. Becka peels off her stockings and leaves me stuck to her foot. She stomps down and smashes me into the ground. I scream and bite her foot. She laughs.
"Taste good bug boy?" She lifts her foot up. I shake. I see every thing every around get a bit smaller. I'm lifted in the air and positioned under the desk. My clothes slide off.
"WHAT THE HELL?" I scream.
"You agreed to it. Plus you're my little brother. It's nothing I haven't seen while changing your diapers or something." Tracy says. They sit on the couch and start watching tv as Tracy unfreezes Mom. She walks in and puts the grocery bags down.
"Can you two put these groceries away please?" She says. They nod and proceed to put them away. She sits down in the chair. I see her giant legs. I regret agreeing to this.

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