Dare pt5

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Ok. Let's skip that part. TLDR I vomited so much I don't think I have organs anymore. The fan stops and she takes off the tape. I lay nearly lifeless dizzy out of my mind on the piece of tape. She peels me off.
"Ok bug boy. Moms asleep. It's your time to shine." I shake. Once I'm able to stand without falling she brings me into moms room. She's asleep. She's wearing light yoga pants or something. This isn't gonna be fun. Tracy puts me on the ground and puts her hands together. I don't see her anymore. She must've used her powers to go invisible or something.
"Eat ass bugboy" she whispers. I boil with rage but put that aside and climb up. I get to the bed. I walk up to her butt and hesitantly kiss it. "Come on go to the hole you pussy" she whispers again. I don't want to do this but if I don't it will be much much worse. I grab her ass with both hand and climb up. I feel it through her pants. I get between her cheeks and stand over the hole. I feel it under me. I bend down and shed a tear. I touch my lips to her pants. My head phases through her pants and while my eyes were closed I kiss the rim of her ass hole. I open my eyes and jump right back up.
"TRACY WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS DISGUSTING WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!" I Ask. A few second no response. "Tracy?.... TRACY!?" I hear a slapping sound and see her ass ripple. She rolls over and I'm crushed by her massive ass.
"Good night bugboy!" She says to me. I hear her leave. I scream and cry but it's all muffled by the thousands of tons off ass. I struggle to breath. I pass out.

I wake up on my moms bed but without the 37,000 ton slap of flesh on top of me. Tracy darts into the room as I wake.
"Time for part 2" She says with and evil smile. I shake in fear and she grabs me. She brings me to the living room. She places me on a piece of tape on the ground. I scream but nothing comes out. "shut up. Becka is gonna come down here in a few minutes and you're gonna hope to god she doesn't step on the tape. Survive an hour and I grow you back. If she steps on your tape, for one you'll be stuck to the tape for god knows how long, and I won't grow you back for another day. Also if you would rather do anything, I have backup games prepared." She says.
"wh-What are they....?" I say in fear. She looks up and puts her fingers to her chin and steps forward. I see her foot come toward me. It lands on me. I'm stuck to her foot. She goes to sit on the couch. She doesn't notice me on her foot. I bite it. She sees me
"Oh shit I stepped on you. That was an accident" she laughs and peels me off. She places me on the ground again. "So! Back to the backups.  Well here's one. I'll let Becka do whatever she wants to you for an hour. Then after that I'll shove you up my ass for a whole day. So you better like that tape" she evilly laughs. She sits on the couch and pulls out her phone. I hear Becka come downstairs. Her feet land one by one closer and closer. I'm in front of the couch so if she sits there and moves her feet the wrong way I'm dead. Her feet one by one get closer until...
I see her foot raise and lower. It seems to go in slow motion. It's right above me. It slowly drops to what seems like a millimeter next to me. She sits with her foot in the same spot but the other over her knee and hovering above me. All I can see is her foot and my impending doom. How did all start? My torture all started from a simple truth or dare game. Since then I've been trampled spun stuck and made paint nails. Now I'm going to be stuck to the bottom of my unaware sisters foot for probably days. Days with only pain. Only able to see into her foot. No food. No drink. Just my sisters feet. This is awful. Worst sisters ever. I wish I had the powers. I wish becka or Tracy were the shrunken ones. I wish we could just go back to truth or da— oh shit she's moving her feet. Her grounded foot slides forward as the other lower. It's like I can see each skin cell. It's right above me. I think it's an inch above me. I'm shaking in fear. It lowers one last time. I feel my entire body surrounded by foot. Shit. Im stuck now. What am I gonna do! I'll be here for days! Im gonna die here!
"TRACY PL—" I remember the "backups" and stop screaming. My heart pounds. She hasn't applied any pressure maybe she hasn't touched the tape? Her feet lift up and land on the coffee table. Never mind. I'm lifted with them. I'm officially fucked.

Ok. Me the author here. If any of you want I've been in the mood to RP.  Oh and also I split the two stories into to separate stories, but in the process I accidentally deleted a few parts of each story. Don't worry I will rewrite them though.

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