Dare alt

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Ok. So let me explain this first. My sister Tracy has magical powers. She can do anything from changing peoples memories to turning invisible. So my mom has to deal with a lot of stuff. My sister likes to mess with me though although she's never really done anything bad. The occasional invisible scare or thievery. So me, Tracy and our other sister Becks were all playing truth or dare. It comes Tracy's turn. "Truth or dare" she asks me.
"Dare" I say.
"I have an idea. You can either do this Dare or do me a redeemable favor I can use whenever I want." She says
"Well I'm assuming the dare is bad then"
"I dare you to call your crush and ask her to send nudes"
"What the fuck? No! That'll get me blocked and she'll tell all her friends and everyone will call me a perv and shit! No! I'll take the favor." I say. She agreed and we keep playing.

A few days later Tracy walks in. Tracy holds a piece of tape. "Favor time" she says. I chuckle
"Do you need me to tape a poster of some Asian dude again?" I ask.
"No this is bit different. I need you to lie on a piece of tape on the living room floor and hope to god mom doesn't step on you." She says with an evil smile.
"Ok first of all, I'm six feet tall how would that work, and second why?"
"You'd shrink down to an inch tall. And because I'm bored." She says
"The fuck? Won't I get crushed? Also what happens if I live and she steps on me? Or what if she sees me? How do I explain that" I ask
"You'll be indestructible. If you're stepped on then you'll stay until you fall off or until she notices you. If she notices you I'll wipe her memory. Plus if you say no you have to ask your crush for nudes" she says as she raises her hands up. I feel everything grow as I shrink down. I stand in front of her toes. They smell horrendous and i gag.

"Ok toe boy here comes the air plane!" She says as she bends down with the tape in hand. I scream and yell as I look up and see the tape. As it reaches me I trip and fall between her toes. Ew!!! My head gets stuck between her toes. "Aww toe boy likes his big sisters toes! Maybe later you can play with them but not now" she spreads her toes and I fall to the ground. She sticks me to the tape and walks into the living room. I struggle and scream.
"Dude if you don't shut up you're sleeping in the oven" she puts the tape face up on the floor. "Ok so if you get stepped on there's a chance you'll be there for days and she should be here about..... now—" the door opens and mom walks in. My eyes widen and I scream. She takes off her heels by the door. "Hey mom. I think Jason's at his friends house or something so he's not here and Beckas out with her boyfriend"

"Ok thanks" they talk about their days something. I can only see straight up but from what I can tell I don't seem to be squashed into oblivion so that's a plus. Her foot steps get louder. A shadow slowly rises over me. I scream as a massive foot rises over me. It's like the size of 2 houses holy fuck! It lowers above me. I scream at the top of my lungs as it gets closer and closer
"MOM PLEASE IM DOWN HERE MOM PLEASE Please! Please please no.." I feel the foot touch my face as time slows down. It wraps around my body and flattens me entirely into the ground before sticking to the tape. I'm full of tears as I feel the weight of 8 moons pressed onto my body. This is it. This is end of me. I feel so much pain yet I'm still alive. It's hurts so much yet it causes no pain. I feel the earth is moving up as she starts to lift her foot back up. I feel a glimpse of hope before being smashed back into the ground. The cycle repeats for what seems like ten years when in reality it was only ten minutes. She has her feet up on the coffee table and from what I can tell I'm gonna be here for a while

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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