Dare War

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Ok. So let me explain this first. My sister Tracy has magical powers. She can do anything from changing peoples memories to turning invisible. So my mom has to deal with a lot of stuff. My sister likes to mess with me though although she's never really done anything bad. The occasional invisible scare or thievery. So me, Tracy and our other sister Becks were all playing truth or dare. It comes Tracy's turn. "Truth or dare" she asks me.
"Dare" I say
"I dare you to ask Becka if she wants a shrunken foot slave for ten minutes after I wipe her memory and if she says yes you have to do it and if she says no I'll wipe her memory so she didn't hear you ask such a weird question." She says
"That's so specific. Also no!" I say in response.
Becka butts in. "Come on dude don't be a pussy."
"fine." I say. Becka ms expression changes from laughing to blank. "Beck"
"Do you want a shrunken foot slave for ten minutes?" I awkwardly ask. She looks at me really confused.
"Are you asking to be my foot slave?" She asks.
"J-just answer the question" I say.
"Ummm.... I guess?" She says. My heart sinks and Tracy laughs. She moves her hands around and Becka starts laughing too. She fixed beckas memory. I feel a weird feeling. The attic gets bigger and bigger. I look at becka and she's fucking massive. She unties her shoes and I shed a tear.
"Come here bugboy" She says. I hesitantly walk toward her. She takes off her shoes and extends her legs hitting me with her socked foot. "Climb in my sock and climb up into my toe section." I shake.
"What? No that's disgusting!" I yell.
"If you don't you're coming with me for my jog. In my shoe." I shake and shudder. I slowly walk toward her foot. She smell is awful. I choke on the smell and I climb in her sock. It's so hot and disgusting in here. I get to here sole and start to climb. I struggle to get a grip and my hand is covered in foot sweat as I climb up. I get to the top and grab her middle toe. I lay under her toes. She scrunches them and squeezes me. I struggle. She peels her socks off and drops me. She lays her foot on me and roll me across the floor. I'm crying and I'm forcefully dragged. This continues for minutes. I scream and cry as they laugh. She stops. "Ok bugboy give me a massage." She says. I stand back up dizzy as hell. I get to her foot. My arms are shaking like hell and I'm forced to massage her disgusting smelly slimy sweaty feet. Eventually I hear a timer go off. I'm quickly thrown in a sock, chased by a massive foot and the socked foot slid into a boot. She jumps around as I scream and sob. She takes off the boot and sock and throws me across the room. I'm then grown and for some reason can't remember the last like 15 minutes? What? Whatever.
"Who's turn is it?"
I get excited. I then remember.
"Becka. Truth or dare?" I ask.
"Dare" She says.
I laugh maniacally. "I dare you to shrink down and go in Tracy's asshole for an hour." She looks at me in anger.
"No!" She says.
"After the torture you just put me through you deserve it! Do it!" I yell. Tracy sighs and shrinks down Becka. She screams in anger.
"I'll be right back" she says with becka in her hand. She comes back minutes later without becka in her hand. I laugh. You just started a war Becka

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