The deed

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Katsuki's POV (if I spelled his name wrong I'm sorry!)
Once I started walking home I was regretting what I said to deku but once I get out of middle school and into UA high I'm going to try my best to have deku forgive me. I may seem like a bad dude since I bully deku but it's not like that at all.

Once I got my quirk and I found out deku was quirkless I didn't care I told him I was going to protect him no matter the cost but some other kids then found out deku was quirkless and threatened me to hurt him or they would 'kill his quirkless ass' so it was either do or die. I've had a crush on deku for years so it has been so painful doing this to him but summer starts today so that meant no more.
I was walking home with my "friends" and we were in an alleyway kicking random bottles and cans around. We soon the then parted from each other and thank All Might for that, I was waking back to my street contemplating life until I feel a wet slimy substance climb around my body.
It climbed all the way up until it started to suffocate me. "Don't worry just stay calm it will all be over soon enough" the voice was groggy and stern. I started trying to blow this thing up then I look to my left and see a boy on the roof. Whilst still trying to blow this thing up I look closer at the boy is that...


Izuku's POV
I stood on that roof ready to die. I was such a pain to everyone having mom always make sure I'm okay, dad leaving us because I was quirkless and Kachann oh Kachann I love him so much but I've come to face the fact that..

He will never love me

I stood on the ledge of the rooftop with my one foot out in front of me seconds away from jumping "DEKU!!" I turned my head to the side to see kachann with some sort of goop on his body running full speed toward the building I was standing on. I backed up a little from the edge wanting to hear what he wanted to say I took a small step forward to see that he was crying... I tried to look a little closer but I no longer felt the concrete under my feet I was falling...

Katskis POV
Holy shit he was actually going to jump this is all my fault, I screamed out his name hoping to knock some sense in him. I saw that he backed up a little I was so happy I was about to scream for him to come down when I saw it... he was falling.

I really hope this was ok it's gonna take a while for me to update since I've got school but I really hope you enjoy leave comments!!


"You Idiot" Suicidal deku x BakugouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя