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Katsuki's POV
I  heard a slight giggle not knowing which direction it came from I assumed it was the nurses. "Stupid nurses I'm trying to talk and they start talking and giggling their asses off" I say slightly mumbling staring at Izuku. His face seemed brighter than it was I guess he's getting healthier that's a good sign, I lay my head down on his stomach and stretched my arm out to hold his hand. Izuku was so warm he felt like a cloud (I don't know what a cloud feels like but it feels like something) I never wanted to leave his side. I felt a small tear run down my face I fucking failed him, the only one I've ever cared about and I failed him "I'm so sorry" I mumbled a more tears ran down my face and onto his hospital shirt.

Izuku's POV
My eyes were open slightly but not wide enough for Kachann to see, his face was red and pressed against my stomach he was sleeping so soundly. Before he fell asleep he mumbled that he was sorry I would have never expected to hear kachann of all people say I'm sorry especially to me.
         Does he really care for me or is he lying...
Welp time to find out I moved my hand slightly him stirring in the process. I made sure I was careful not to wake him and to stick to the plan of making him fall for me by these simple steps
1-put my hand on sparky boi's head
2-wait for sparky to wake up
3-he wakes you we kiss and then we get married with two kids and a hamster and live HAPPILY EVER AFTER!
Ok Izuku you sound like a sociopath 
I opened my eyes as I felt the weight on my stomach lift. Kachann grabbed a bag from the corner of the hospital room and pulled out a small black journal and a pen. He started vigorously writing as he sat down I watched closely as tears fell down his face onto the notebook. He closes his eyes as he did with the book, and hugged it close to his chest and laid back onto the hospital bed. I had never seen kachann cry so much, his face was red as more and more tears ran down his face. His eyes were closed and he was quietly crying saying in consession "I love you," and then also saying "I'm sorry deku" i figured that it was now time to show myself to him, I stood up so silently in order to get this perfect anime moment, i sat on the next to where his waist was. "You don't have to be sorry kachann.." his body jolted up and stared at me.
His fingers ran down the side of my face" I'm lucid dreaming again aren't I," he looksd to his side and down and then back up at my face " then i guess i can do this." He leaned closer to my face and planted his lips on mine. He soon pulled away after almost a minute and sighed "I'm so sorry i hope you do wake up and know that i love you."
I looked at him and chuckled " kachann..this isn't a dream" he looked dumbfounded for a minute and then laughed for a minute he then turned serious again "you better not be joking like that, if you are real then kiss me." I did as he told and kissed him on the lips.
And this turned intense real quick, i put my hands on his waist as he put his in my hair. His body soon towered over mine as he forcefully shoved his tongue in my mouth, our tongues swirled together in his mouth seconds before i had to pull away for air.
"if I wasn't real would i have needed air?" I said snickering a little as I spoke. "D-deku?!" He hugged and tackled me onto the bed "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

OKAY YES I KNOW THERE IS TYPOS! I was way to lazy to edit them if there is any major ones in the future I'm obviously going to edit them. Also I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been having rough times at school so I'm sorry about not updating I hope you liked this

"You Idiot" Suicidal deku x BakugouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt