After Math

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Izuku's POV
      No. I don't wanna go like this...I shouldn't have come up here in the first place I have to much to loose. Kachann....I won't be able to see him again. I look over my shoulder I see the concrete clearer, the smeared gum on the ground and small loose pebbles, holy shit....I'm gonna die. Kachann I  love you..that all I thought before a wave of immense pain shoots through my body followed by darkness.

Two months later
Katsukis POV
       It's been about two months since izuku jumped I only leave his hospital room if I'm forced to but other that that I don't leave. There is a nurse there who brings me sandwiches and water everyday when she checks up on deku. "Katsuki dear, I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the room for a moment while I run a few tests on Izuku here." I turn to see a small women with scrubs and dark framed glasses standing in the door frame with a large cart behind her I'm guessing it holds all her medical stuff. I nod with a fake smile plastered on my face and step out of the room my guilt and sadness trailing behind me as I step.

WOW that was sad ass chapter but I like to see people suffer so......YEAH I hope you all are doing good and just know that you guys can talk to me if need be by lovelies! Also did you like my furbie if so what shall I name him?!


"You Idiot" Suicidal deku x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now