Hospital Visit

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Before they went to the hospital, Peter, Jessica, and Matt went to a flower shop to buy flowers for Jen. Peter also pitched in a get well soon card for Jen. Soon, they made it to the hospital, and the secretary explained where Jen's room was. Peter, Matt, and Jessica then walked on over to Jen's room. Jen was on the hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown, and she looked healthier. She noticed the three and happily said, "Hey Matt. Hey Pete. Hey Jess. How's Danielle?" Jessica happily patted her bump and said, "Dani's doing fine."

"Miss Walters, I'm so sorry that you almost died because of me," said a guilt-ridden Peter. "Don't sweat it kid," said Jen, "this wasn't your fault. For years, Matt and I have always been afraid our clients would get killed." Jessica nodded and said, "Jen's right, Peter. My husband Luke and I have had our fair share of clients who got killed. This could've happened to anyone. So don't beat yourself up." Matt smiled and nodded, agreeing with them. "You guys are the best," said Peter, "how are you feeling Miss Walters?" Jen sighed, "A lot better than yesterday. There weren't any blood donors with my blood type. Bruce was the only one with a matching blood type, so he gave his blood to save me."

"And you're not feeling any signs of gamma sickness?" Matt asked, listening to Jen's steady heartbeat. "Not at the moment," confirmed Jen, "in fact, I feel the blood transfusion healed me. Did you and Karen find anything out regarding Peter's would-be assassin?" Jessica looked at her file and said, "we did actually. We looked at the license plate, and found it belongs to a guy named William Ginter Riva." Jen rubbed her chin and said, "that name... Sounds familiar... Of course! Riva worked for Tony Stark and Obadiah Stane. If I recall correctly, Stane laid Riva off when Riva failed to replicate the arc reactor that saved Tony's life."

"Why would this former employee want to assassinate Peter?" Matt asked. "What if he and Beck were in cahoots with each other?" Peter deduced. "You may not be far off Parker," commended Jessica, "but it can't just be two people. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was a team of disgruntled former Stark employees that did that Mysterio shtick. And you got caught in the middle of it all." Peter was in disbelief. "Can't believe we stumbled onto this conspiracy..." he said. Matt perked up. He could hear an unfamiliar heartbeat. "Someone's coming," he warned. "Matt's right, my spider senses are tingling!" Peter said with concern, "Jessica, get behind me!"

"I can protect myself, thank you very much!" Jessica scoffed. "Uh, hello? You're pregnant Jessica. I don't want you to suffer a miscarriage," protested Peter. "Point taken," retorted Jessica as she got behind Peter. In less than a minute, William Ginter Riva came into Jen's room, with a gun in his hand. Jen's heart started to go faster. She tensed up. Seeing the man that almost killed her and could have killed Peter made her feel great rage! "Should've been you that got shot, Parker." Riva threatened, "but it's as they say, if you want something done right you got to do it yourself. And don't worry, when I'm finished with all of you, I'll tell your Aunt May and MJ you said hello." Matt turned his walking cane into his escirma sticks and said, "if you want to kill my friends, you're going to have to go through me!"

"NO!!!!!" Roared an unfamiliar voice. Peter, Matt, and Jessica turned around, and noticed that Jennifer changed her appearance. She was now as muscular as an Amazon, was 6 ft 7, and her skin was as green as her cousin. Jennifer Walters had become a She-Hulk! She jumped out of the bed, roaring at William. "Holy shit..." Jessica retorted, astounded. Before William could shoot at Jennifer or Peter again, She-Hulk grabbed his gun, and crumpled it as if it was tin foil. William was scared out of his wits, and decided to run out of the hospital. But She-Hulk grabbed William by the back of his shirt and said, "where do you think you're going little man?" She then lifted him up, and he was a few feet off the ground. Peter was slack jawed. She-Hulk then made William face her, growling, "alright Riva, I got a bone to pick with you. Parker and I almost died cuz of you, so I want answers! Why'd you try and kill Peter?"

"When my team and I found out the two of you were gonna prove Parker's innocence, we knew we were screwed," confessed a fearful Riva, "so when the jury found Parker not guilty, I decided to kill him myself. And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those damn spider senses!" Peter glared and asked, "a team? What do you mean a team? Who sent you?" Riva laughed incredulously and scoffed, "I'm telling you nothing!" She-Hulk growled and yelled, "you're gonna tell us everything right now, or I'm going to twist you into a human pretzel!!!" Out of cowardice, Riva whimpered, "alright! Alright! Beck sent me! He faked his death, and has been plotting revenge against Peter ever since!" Matt listened to Riva's heartbeat and confirmed, "he's telling the truth." Peter had a feeling that Beck had faked his death. He then asked, "where's Beck?"

"Why Peter, he's at the place where you know it all started," teased Riva. "Wow, that's totally not cryptic at all." Jessica said sarcastically. "I know what it is," said Peter, "the old abandoned Acme Warehouse. I confronted the burglar that murdered my Uncle Ben there." Matt nodded, understanding. "If you're lying Riva, I'll break the other one," threatened She-Hulk as she let Riva go. William looked confused and asked, "other what-" Suddenly, She Hulk then broke his right hand, causing him to scream in pain. Peter got out his phone, and called the NYPD. On the line was Captain George Stacy. Peter said, "hi, Captain Stacy? Guard-Captain Miller told me to call you if it turned out Quentin Beck was alive. You won't believe what just happened..."

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