moving in

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"this is pretty nice" you said as you and colby were looking at the apartment that could potentially be yours. "yeah i really like" colby said. " if you sign these few papers it could be yours" the apartment complex owner said.

sam was there too because he looked at an apartment across the hall from the one you're looking at. "what do you think sam, should we take them" colby asked. "yeah, i like it" he said.
"perfect" the owner said.

sam and colby signed the papers. "it's official we're moving in together" colby said giving you a kiss.

you all got back to the car. "wow i can't believe we're moving out of the house in almost a month." you said getting a little sad. "i know, it's crazy" sam said. "i'm kinda glad to move out though cause it'll be nice to live alone" he added.

sam drove back to the trap house. "hey guys" corey said as you all walked in. "i need to film a video and i need all of you in it"

"okay sure, what kind of video is it" you asked. "just a q&a video about the house and us" corey said. "okay sounds good" sam said.

"okay good, you guys can go into the garage while i go get aaron and jake" corey told you guys.

your stomach dropped for a second. you didn't want to see jake. you just wanted to avoid him for a while. you could colby wasn't to excited either.

aaron, corey and jake walked through the garage door. corey said up his camera and the beanbags. you guys always filmed group videos on the beanbags.

corey sat in the middle. you sat next to him. sam sat on the other side of him. colby sat behind you, aaron sat next to him and jake sat next to aaron.

corey did his intro then pulled up his twitter to see all the questions.

a few questions go by and everything is going good. no awkward tension between you, colby and jake.

corey finishes the video after 20 mins. everything well normal. you were happy and relieved. "thanks guys" he said.

you walked inside the house and got some water. you opened up the fridge to get a water bottle. someone walks up next to you. "hey" he says. it was jake. you looked at him and gave him a small smile.

colby came in. jake noticed and walked away.
"hey" colby said hugging you from behind. you turned around to look at him. "hey" you smiled.

colby saw the necklace jake gave you. he picked it up with his finger. you held on to the necklace. you gave him a look. colby squinted his eyes. "i'm keeping it on, i'm sorry if you don't like" you told colby sternly but with soft eyes. colby nodded.

sam came in. "hey guys i called some people to fix up my room and they're coming over today " he said. "oh okay great" you said. " i'm still sorry about you're room dude" colby said patting sam on the back. "yeah, but i have to fix it before we move out and it'll take a while" he said.

some time went by and you just hung out with sam and colby in the kitchen.

the doorbell rang. it was the people who are going to do some work on sams room. sam lead them the way upstairs.

"wanna do something today" colby asked you. "like what?" you asked. "i have no idea" he laughed. you laughed and rolled your eyes.

jake walked into the kitchen and you and colby went silent. he got some water. "you looking for an apartment?" he asked looking at colby.

you and colby were both a little confused on why jake was acting like nothing happened.
"um yeah, actually i found something already and i signed off on it today" colby told him.
"oh for real" jake said. colby nodded. "it's only 20 mins away from here" he added.

"what about you" jake asked looking at you. he changed his voice when he talked to you. it was softer. "um, i'm looking" you lied.

you didn't want to tell jake you were moving in with colby yet. it's to soon.

"have you found anything" you asked him. "not yet, you know how i always do things late" he laughed a little. "yeah" you laughed slightly too.

jake left and walked upstairs. colby looked at you. "sorry i didn't want to tell him we're moving in together yet" "no i understand" he said. " i don't want to tell him either yet"

it was now night. you and colby just decided to stay home and hang out. it was 9pm. you, him, corey and devyn all ordered pizza to share with eachother. you sat in the living room eating it.

sam went to kats a few hours ago after the people who fixed his room left.

"oh i forgot to tell you guys, me and devyn found this great apartment that we're going to look at tomorrow" corey said.

you and colby looked at eachother. "so did we" you told corey and devyn. "wait do you mean your moving in together?" devyn asked. "yes" you said excitedly. "oh yayy" she said. "oh that's awesome" corey said.

corey looked up. you looked where corey was looking. you realized jake was there and he heard you. you both made strong eye contact. he stormed off.

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