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after a little drive, you and colby finally reached the fair. it was dark and there were so many colorful lights. "are you excited"colby asked. "hell yeah" you replied excited. you and colby got out of the car and walked to the entrance.

you guys went on a few rides and played a few carnival type games. colby won you two stuffed animals, a bear and a bunny.

you also won yourself a koala bear but you decided to give it to colby since he loved koalas.

it was now 10:30 and you and colby were starving. you decided to go to a pizza stand. you sat down at a table. " wanna go on the ferris wheel next" colby asked. " of course" you smiled. "too bad there isn't anyone here with us who can take a picture of us on the ferris wheel" you sad a little sad. " we can set it up and do a timer" colby laughed. " that is very true" you laughed slightly.

after you guys enjoyed your pizza you headed for the ferris wheel. you got in but had to wait a couple minutes for other people to get into there's.

finally the ride started. "i could look at you forever" colby said wrapping you around his arm. you snuggled into his chest. you shivered a little. "are you cold" colby asked a little concerned. "yeah" you said softly. colby took of his denim jacket and wrapped it around you.

"now i feel bad" you said. "why" he asked. "cause now you're going to be cold" "i'm fine, it's not that cold out here, plus my baby comes first no matter what" he said kissing your forehead. "i love you" you said.

you set up your phone to take timed burst pictures. colby put his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead.

"okay, those should be good" you said picking up your phone to look at the pictures. "awe" you said looking through them. " i'm definitely going to post these" you said. "send them to me too" colby said.

after 10 minutes of being on the ferris wheel it was over. "you ready to head home since it's almost 11?" colby asked. " sadly" you said pouting. colby held your hand has you walked back to his car.

while colby was driving home you posted one of the pictures you guys took and captioned it "lovers"

you turned to look at colby and admired him. "you are so perfect." you said. colby looked at you and back at the road. " i wanna kiss you so bad right now" he said in such an attractive voice.

you and colby finally got home. you both walked out of the car and colby grabbed you, wrapped his hands around your waist, and pressed his lips against yours.

you walked inside and there were still people downstairs in the living room. you and colby walked in there and there was aaron, tori, devyn and corey. "oh hey, you guys are back" aaron said. "yeah" you smiled. "we were all just hanging out if you guys wanted to join us." tori said. "oh yeah of course" you said.

"i'll be back in a second" you told the group. you went upstairs to take of your shoes and change into something more comfortable.

"already back" a voice said has you walked into your room. jakes door was opened. you walked by his room. "oh um yeah" you said. "i see you won a couple of things" he smiled looking at the stuffed animals. "yeah" you smiled back.

"we're all hanging downstairs if you wanna hang out with us" you stuttered a little bit. "yeah i guess" he said getting up from his bed.

jake walked downstairs. you sighed.

you walked into your room and changed into some shorts and a grey nike sweatshirt. you took of your makeup and then headed downstairs.

you sat next to colby on the beanbag in the living room. tori, aaron jake and corey were sitting on the couch while devyn was sitting on the other beanbag. 

you all talked about last memories and other things like that. you looked over at jake for a split second and noticed he was looking at you.

you looked away instantly. you could still sense him still looking at you.

colby noticed it. he wrapped your arm around you.

you looked back at jake. he looked at you. you made very strong eye contact.

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