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As someone who can like, easily push off when people hurt their feelings n shit and pretend that it never happened, unholy fuck man if you don't want to be my friend, just fuckin TELL me.

Don't worry about hurting my feelings because god man I get it. If you feel like you don't want to be my friend anymore for whatever reason it is, tell me. I want you to be happy and if that means I'm not your friend, that's fine.

But it DOES hurt and make me feel like absolute shit when you don't do that, and instead, become friends with people who aren't that nice to my other friends and then attempt to pretend that we wernt close friends.

For example (aka the reason I feel like shit) my friend who I was super super close to last year decided she wanted to make other friends, and stop hanging out with us. That's fine man, be happy. We do talk occasionally though?? But when you tell me that you are still my friend kinda and then proceed to act embarrassed when I'm around your new friends because you don't want me around them, even when I'm not even paying ANY attention to them. That shit hurts like hell.

Like please, make freinds and be the person you want to be, but if that involves (accadentally or purposefully) making your old freinds feel like absolute shit??? Then just fucking ignore us my guy. Ignoring me would feel SO SO SO much better then telling me that you hate all my other friends but you sorta still are friends with (which is still pretty bitchy) and then refusing to even look in my direction when your new friends are around????

That literally ruined my near to great mood for the entire day and question if any of my current freinds want me around either. So yeah uh thanks man 0/10 would not question my entire life again please and thanks

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