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Taeyong pov

I lay him down on the living room's couch.
The sight of my bully laying down almost unconscious on my couch makes me realize of what I am doing.
His eyes are slowly closing.
I slap his cheek hardly, trying to keep him conscious.

«What the fuck happened to you?»
I ask, to hide my terrified voice behind a fake confident tone.

«Help me...»
Is the only answer I get.

I look at his shoulder who's abundantly bleeding.
I'm not a psychopath, I'm not going to let him die on my couch, right?

I take all I need in the bathroom and I come back in the living room to find him unconscious.

I curse under my breath.

I take his shirt off to see a very open wound. He's going to need to need stitches.
His body is trembling like a leaf.

His skin is terribly pale, stains with blood. One of his fingers is bent, maybe broke. His pink hair is soaking wet, making drops of water running on his forehead, mixing with his sweat.
His shoulder is bleeding a lot, the edges of the wound turning into a violet color.
He definitely needs stitches.

He begs me between his teeth to not call an ambulance. 
And since I already done stitches on my own shoulder, I think I can do it on his.

I really don't know why I help him; I could just call an ambulance and say 'fuck off' to him and his injuries, but I don't feel capable of it.
A strange mix of panic, fear and compassion makes me shiver.
I'm still terribly scared of him, even if he's so weak.

I'm taken out of my thoughts by a sob.
Oh god.
He's sobbing.

I hurry up and put disinfectant on a sterile pad to clean the wound, removing as much of dry blood as I can.
I look carefully at the wound and deduct that he was getting stab. There's no other way.

I take chirurgical wire and a medical needle, and I begin to sew his wound.
He winces in pain, opening his eyes a bit. His body is shivering more as I try to concentrate.

Our eyes met and I get petrified by the look on his face.
He looks so vulnerable and weak.

He looks so human.

But the thought of killing him crosses my mind.
I could let him bleed out and throw his dead body in a lake later.
Maybe that's all that he deserves.
But I'm surely not a murder nor a psychopath, so I keep sewing his wound. 

I feel so stupid.
Who else would sew his bully's wound at 2AM on a rainy night?
No one but the too good person that I am.

I hate him, I truly hate him, but as a human with a sense of compassion my heart hurts a bit at the sight of him writhe in agony.

When the wound is completely sewed, I put a band-aid to protect it.
I put two pain-killer pills inside of his mouth and give him water to making him swallow it. I help him to swallow it by uplifting his head.
I carefully put my hand on his forehand to feel that he has fever.

His clothes are soaked. I carefully take off his jean and socks, leaving him in underwear before wrapping him into a warm blanket.
I pat his forehand with a humid towel, wanting to get down a bit his fever.

I take time to look at his face. I never noticed how beautiful he is.
His eyes are flickering like he's fighting with himself to stay awake.
Dry tears are staining his red cheeks. A bruise is already forming on his left cheekbone. His pulpy pink lips are gnawed by his teeth.

«What the fuck Taeyong you can't think like this of your bully
I murmur at myself, shocked at my own thought.

Now a little more awake, he comes closer to my face, and I see his eyes opening a bit more.
I violently move back, beginning to fear my own actions.

«Thank you Taeyong...»
Jaehyun whispers to me, grazing with his hand my cheek.
His forehead is resting against mine, making our faces terribly close.
I hold my breath.

All the images of Jaehyun bullying me run in my head as I close my eyes at the contact.
Right now he seems so human, so fragile.
Is this really the boy who cuts my back with scissors this morning?

He presses the palm of his hand on my cheek and my tears start falling.

I cry because I know that in the morning, the same monster that I always knew will be back.
I cry because this human interaction will be forgotten as soon as he'll leaves my house.
I cry because I just saved the life of the one who's going to take mine soon.

I cry because I fucking love to feel his presence against mine.

«I don't want this moment to fade away...
Let's keep it our secret...»
I cry as I lay next to him into the couch.
His lips are curving a bit, I think he's trying to smile.

I come closer to him to make our body touching. I caress his cheek with my hand. I take a last look at the most human Jaehyun I've never seen and cry myself to sleep, huddled in the warmness of the monster I have by my side.

«Thank you for taking us with you tonight, Morpheus...»


hope you're fine! here's the chapter fourteen. the things are finally moving!
two things to say today:

1) i don't use the honorifics in the story. so there'll be no "hyung".
because i don't feel comfortable with using honorific since i'm not korean.
( ps: in this story, Jaehyun and Taeyong are the same age.)

2) i have a short yuwin os that i wrote a time ago, do you want me to publish it?
it's called "the day we met" and it's basically a description of how they met lmao.
tell me if you're interested in it.

next chapter wednesday, please look forward to it!

- 𝔃𝓪𝓬𝓴

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