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Taeyong pov

I'm currently laying on my bed, already dressed for school, back on the sheets, staring at the ceiling.
The diner with Jaehyun, Johnny and my parents Saturday night went so well. The air was filled with love, support and compassion, it was so comforting.

«You need to go soon or you're going to be late.»
My mom takes me out of my thoughts.

It's time, I'm going back to school today.
I take my phone to look at the time; Jaehyun is picking me up in ten minutes, I still have a time.

«I still have ten minutes before Jaehyun picks me up mom.»
I tell her.

«Okay then, I'm going to work now. See you later! Don't hesitate to call us if there's any problems okay?»
My mom says for like the tenth times since I woke up.

«Don't worry mom, I'll be fine.»
I assure.
«Love you

«Love you too.»
She answers, kissing my forehead before leaving.

When I see Jaehyun's car parking in the driveway few minutes later I wave at him from across the window. I see him laugh at the childish gesture.

«Good morning baby!»
I exclaim loudly when I sit in the car.

«You seem very excited this morning sweetie!»
Jaehyun laughs again, maybe a little taken back by my unexpected excitement.

«I'm just happy to have you by my side now.»
I tell him, placing my hand on his arm.

«I'm happy to have you too.»
Jaehyun lowers his head to kiss the top of my hand.
I pull back my hand when he starts the car.

I just stared at him for the whole journey. We didn't say a word, lulled by the music that was filling the air.

«We're here.»
Jaehyun says as he parks the car in the school's parking lot.

«Are you ready?»
Jaehyun asks me, his right thumb softly rubbing my thigh.

«I am.»
I assure before going out of the car.
It's been a while since I went to school; but here I am, stronger than I've never been before.

We made our way to the school gate; his hand locks with mine. Jaehyun doesn't seem to care at all about all the stares on us. I don't care that much either. I feel like I could fly if Jaehyun is with me, it's not the other's stares that's going to scare me now.

«Good morning John'!»
I greet loudly when we arrive to Johnny.

«Hey guys.»
Johnny greets back to Jaehyun and I.
«Happy to see you here again Tae'
He tells me, empathizing the 'again' word.

«What class do you guys have in first period?»
I question them.

«We all have the same class with Mr. Ten if I remember well.»
Johnny says.

«Let's go to class?»
He asks but drags us in the school without bothering to wait our answers.

When we come into the classroom, there's only a few of our classmates, but Mr. Ten is already here.

«Hello Taeyong, happy to see you with us again!»
He greets when our eyes meet.
It's not awkward, our make out session is obviously far behind us now.

«Thank you, sir, I'll work hard.»

«I'm sure you will.»
He affirms before going back to his things on his desk.

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