chapter nineteen

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THEY'D made a plan around Joyce's dinner table. They were going to close the gate. Eleven was certain she could do it and apparently, that's what they needed to do to save Will. So of course, Evelyn complied without question to help. But the more they spoke and with nothing to hide now that Eleven was here, it became clear that Evelyn did not know the whole truth. She pulled Steve to one side as the evening continued with crossed arms and a heartmelting pout resting on her lips. Her eyebrows were turned up above heavenly eyes. It was almost impossibly to offend Evelyn but equally as impossible to say something mean to her when she looked so pure compared to everyone else her age. Her happiness was a hard thing to come by and so seeing it fade made everyone around her want to help and bring it back.

"What?" Steve's eyes were looking everywhere but her face and then, instantly unable to take it any more, she didn't need to say anything for him to answer her unspoken question. He knew what was wrong. "Fine," he waved his hand and sighed. He told her everything he knew.

When Evelyn emerged, she took in a fresh breath of air. Accepted now, she'd do everything she could. But there was a problem. If they killed the hive mind, they'd kill Will.

Hopper carried Will to Jonathan's car. Jonathan and Joyce were taking Will somewhere he wouldn't know. They were going to force the Mind Flayer out of him. Nancy went with Jonathan, and so Evelyn and Steve, naturally, stayed with the kids. Eleven was no longer with them, she was leaving with Hopper to close the gate. Thinking their job was to keep the kids safe, Evelyn started cleaning up the glass and tidying the destruction of the Byer's house as they waited. But then Mike spouted an idea about turning the demodogs away from the lab to clear a path to the gate for Hopper and El. The only problem Evelyn had with this is that the whole thing would put them in danger and would most likely end in death.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Evelyn called over them, knowing they weren't listening at first. "This is not happening!"


"No!" It was Steve's voice, loud and stern and Evelyn turned in surprise. "No, no buts. We promised we'd keep you kids safe and that's exactly what we're planning on doing. We're staying here on the bench and waiting for the starting team does everybody understand that?" Of course, Mike had something to say in return.

"This isn't some stupid sports game!"

"Does everybody understand that?" He had hold of a tea towel and was motioning it threateningly in Mike's direction. "I need a yes." They all then looked at Evelyn with half lidded and frustrated stares. Evelyn crossed her arms and putting her foot down took the same stern tone from Steve.

"Don't look at me? We need a yes." Steve nodded, crossing his arms as they waited on a reply. There was a loud rev from an engine outside - and both Evelyn and Steve frowned. Eve recognised the turbo but couldn't place it until she walked up to the window with everyone else. She saw a black convertible and her lips turned down at the edges until she looked towards Max. It was clear from her pale face, she didn't know her brother would be arriving either.

"It's my brother." She said breathlessly. "He can't know I'm here, he-he'll kill me." Evelyn placed an arm around her but was looking out the window. "He'll kill us."

"Don't worry, we'll sort it." Evelyn said, casting her eyes to Steve who was already near the door. She smiled, a silent promise to the girl shaking with panic and ushered her away from the window. "It'll be fine, Max."

When Evelyn saw Billy, he still had a cigarette hanging out of his cocky mouth. He took a drag, slowly exhaling the air with a smirk and his arm on his bonnet.

"Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?" Evelyn and Steve were stood on the porch, like guards for the house.

"Yeah it's me, don't cream your pants." His tone was flat and irritated. He wore his hands on his hips.

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