Lonely and Cold

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July 7, 2019

Hope came softly in the gloom, flew in unexpected

Hope to peace and prosper here, a hope that I'd rejected

Garden growing only thorns, heart buried deep inside

One of many in that field where all innocent people died

With my soul lost and won, life went ridiculously well

I soared up to meet the sun, but like Icarus I fell

Re-lit my eternal flame, but then banished me to space

Paradox without the fame, on my tomb you left a wraith

Left to circle above you like a vulture with no courage

Hoping I starve before the olive branches ever start to flourish

Honest smiles freeze me stiff, I feel my endurance drifting

Tumble gladly towards a cliff, deadly fog is never lifting

The cliffs of insanity seduce me like they're Dover

Pity mixing with disgust, you flung a flaming rope over

Sparks fly when you scream, cruelly I wish you would

Pulls the loathing from my dreams, boils in a heart that could

Pulled the pin that never pricked, you handed back my gift and card

My dream finally fulfilled, hoist upon my own petard

Only love could make this castaway swear off all revenge

Lonely dove mourns the ashes; they mark where the story ends

My candle on the water dims, for me you'll never yearn

God may save me from the grave, but I'm longing to return

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