Moving Mountains

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August 13, 2019

Why leap ye, ye high hills? 

For joy or escape? 

When the sun blazed anew, I think I caught it on tape

In a song sung so deeply

We cannot discover,

The mountains, like waves, leave this plain for another

For they bear the burdens 

We humans cannot

The floods and the fires that would make our limbs rot

And for years, they're the airbag

Against a universe

Whose heavenly sirens' song would crash against us a curse

So they raise their heads proudly

When young and enthused

And wear down like hopes that are constantly used

And one day when their shells

Cannot inspire art

The Conductor calls "All aboard," and they prepare to depart

Oh! Let me climb onto your back so I see

The universe and what's waiting out there for me

Let me wring out the stars for a fountain of youth

And then sit with my love when we both know the truth

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