The Golden Days of Summer Collection

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Writing poetry late at night is hard work, especially after a twelve-hour day of work and class. My next collection, written during late summer, arose out of a need to write during the day. My regular 9-5 job was just busy enough to keep me occupied, but also slow enough to let me write poetry on the sly. 

Not a great plan, you might say. Sure, I won't put "Ignore your job" up on the list of great professional advice. However, my internship supervisor was an extremely gracious and caring woman who helped create an office environment where I could use my creative impulses if I was careful about my time. And I can honestly say I didn't short-change my boss on the days I wrote, so no one is worse for the wear. 

This next collection of six poems is the result. When compared to the Little Brown Book Collection, you might notice right away how varied this collection is. I'd mostly exhausted the morbid imagery urge I felt before, and instead wanted to create more variety in my work. So for this collection, I started experimenting with different verse lenghts, meters, and other tricks. One of these poems makes use of partial refrain format, which was a first for me. One uses an implied-pause form, which I'd "invented" in one of those first two poems I wrote. And one poem can be read as either a poem or a song, marking the first time I'd ever written a song. 

I hope you enjoy this collection for its greater variety, and the different tack I took with imagery. If you enjoyed the Little Brown Book Collection the most, then this one might feel like a let-down. Don't write it off yet, though. I may have taken a different approach, but I like to think this Golden Days of Summer Collection shows my progression as a writer. Some imagery is still present, just re-purposed or re-packaged in less self-serving, woe-is-me fashion. Either way you look at this next collection, enjoy. That never hurt anyone. 

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