The truth

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Time skip three months later summers here
Everything with El is going amazing except for Lucifer always bothering us. I had finally decided that the rest of the party should know about me. "Everyone sit down i want all of you know what i am" i said as i stood infront of them all. My wings sprouted from my back as i spoke "my father is the angel who led the rebellion against my grandfather god, my father is the devil and my mother is a demon. This might be scary to you all, but i am still the guy you've always know your friend". Will,Mike and Lucas all stood up obviously teriffied of me. "You are the anti christ literally pure evil" Mike yelled. "Get away from us" shouted Will and Lucas. A tear drop slid down my cheek "guys i thought we were friends family even" i pleaded. "Get out of here" Mike screamed at me. I put my wings up walking up the stairs feeling like i just had my heart ripped out. I could hear Max trying to defend me from below as i walked out the front door. I made my way home. When i got there a note from El saying that she was sorry that we had to break up. I went inside and decided to look in the mirror to my suprise it wasn't normal, my reflection staring back it was my devil face. I chuckled softly "hello old friend". "Im sorry about what happened with Eleanor" Amenadiel spoke softly from behind me. "You perv have you just been watching me" i joking say as i turn to him. "Her name is Eleven, not Eleanor but im sure you know that anyway" i say to him. I plop down on the couch, "i was stupid enough to think that it would work" i say with a sigh. "You should know Father has granted you access to the silver city, there is a lot of the family you have never met i would suggest taking up the offer" Amenadiel spoke hopeful that i would accept totaly ignoring my rambling. "I will give you time to think about it" he said quietly. The door opened and closed then a boom was heard signaling he had left. I was left with my thoughts and alcohol.

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