Looking for Billy

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El sat with a bandanna over her eyes looking in the void. We all sat around her quietly. Lucas open his coke with a loud pop. "Quiet" "sorry". "How do you even drink that" Mike says with disgust in his voice. "Because it delicious" Lucas replied with a grin on his face. "What" Max, Mike, and I all whisper yell. "It's like Carpenter's The Thing, the original is a classic no question about it but the remake...... he take a drink..sweeter, bolder, better" He says with a giant smile on his face. "You're insane" I retort "so you prefer the original Thing" he question quickly "No im talking about the new Coke" I whisper. "its the same concept, dude" he argues. "No it is not" i counter. "Yes it is" he yells. "Hey" El says loudly while taking her blindfold off. "Sorry El"i quickly say. "Sorry" Lucas adds. "Did you.... find him" i ask. She stares at me obviously annoyed then nods. We all follow Lucas and Max who's pushing a cart full of fireworks, while questioning if i heard Dustin correctly. We load up the fireworks and get into the car. Time skip
We got inside the mall and made our way to the food court where Dustin and Steve were hiding. El started to use her powers to move the prize car downstairs, she yeets the car at the big dudes with guns. We look down onto our friends. As we got down Dustin came running up to me and El pulling us into a hug "You flung that thing like a hotwheel". "Lucas" Erica exclaimed. "What are you doing here" Lucas asked throwing his hands up in frustration. "Ask them its their fault" she says as she points at Steve & Robin. "True, yeah. Totally true. It's absolutely our fault" Steve says quickly. "I don't understand what happened to that car" Robin says looking around crazily. "El has superpowers" Dustin explained casually. "Im sorry" she asks still not understanding what the hell was happening. "Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. C'mon, catch up" Steve and I say quickly. "That's El" Erica says as she points to El. "Who's El" Robin questions while looking. "I'm sorry who are you" Nancy says as she points to Robin. "That's Robin she works with Steve" i introduce them. "There are russians and she helped find them, so everyone lets just move on" I shout. Everyone ignores me and continues arguing about the russians and almost dying. I didn't notice El slowly walking away and slowly spin. She puts her hands to ears in pain of something. El collapses and im by her side in an instant.

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