Chapter 3

133 14 2

[Somehow Near]


12:54 a.m

"Free as the brook that flows to the river,

Free as the river that flows to the sea."

- Olive Runner. Poem from Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, Vol. XII, Sept 1918.

Hyun - 🐇

Irene raised her hand and tied her hair cleanly. Standing in front of the mirror, she could see Wendy's reflection in the right corner of the room. Irene didn't say anything when their eyes met through the mirror and fixed her gaze back on herself.

How did she end up in this situation again anyway?

She couldn't even think of anything currently. It wasn't like she had crossed the line. Irene is the type of woman who holds her pride, protects her image, and strictly keeps her principles. Not once had she disappointed herself or anyone by doing something she knew was against her morals.

But damn, this was absolutely fun.

"Aren't you creeped out with me-"

"I am,"

Irene said, bluntly cutting the red-haired girl's words as she turned to her, hair finally tied and her clothes worn precisely the same before some of it were... removed.

"I am creeped out. You're odd."

Wendy's face flushed in embarrassment, and in defense, she immediately sat properly on the bed and looked at Irene, annoyed. "Then why did you agree? I was supposed to stop if you said no, but you leaned in!" She huffed and covered her face, heart racing and frustrated.

Well, she couldn't even explain how embarrassed she was right now.

Irene laughed at the sight and sat beside her playmate.

"Don't be shy now. You can't blame me. Earlier, you were just this innocent foreigner, and now we're here because you initiated a kiss-"

"It was you who leaned in first!"

"No, I kissed your neck, and you grabbed my-"

"Oh my God, shut up, please."

Irene raised a brow as she gazed over at the foreigner. Is she, perhaps, new to this? If Irene's guess were correct, then she would feel odder now that she gave an innocent woman tons of hi-

"Stop gazing, please. I'm not new to this. My approach to you was just different from what I've been doing before." As if Irene's thoughts were read, Wendy finally explained and let down her hands on her lap with a sigh. "Sorry if I looked too... hungry. I'm not- I-"

"You should just shut your mouth, Ms. Son," Irene laughed and stood up. "It was very nice meeting you."

And that was how their second meeting ended before Irene left the room and entered a new hellhole. Wendy, on the other hand, looked at the door where Irene had just left.

"Holy shit, was I boring?" She groaned in frustration before laying on the bed with an exasperated sigh.

Well, at the very least, Irene smiled.

However, back to the Bae Irene, nothing was coming out good because the moment she opened the door, Taeyeon's screams were immediately heard.


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