Chapter 5

126 7 4

[Little Further]


8:27 a.m

Seul - 🐻

Seulgi must have been daydreaming.

That was her guess as her brows slightly furrowed upon hearing a conversation she didn't seem to like.

"Well, I hit her head with a brick."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry!"

Maybe this was lucid dreaming? That's what they call it, right? The one where she knows it's a dream and yet doesn't wake up.

Though, if it wasn't, then why the hell are there two people staying in her room to gossip?

With small movements to adjust her sleeping position, Seulgi finally realized that she, indeed, is currently on a bed and had just slightly woken up after last night's event.

'Last night?'

How come she can't remember beating the armed men at all? Seulgi clenched her closed eyes and gripped the sheets under her.


Her knuckles weren't hurting, and her body wasn't sore. Everything seemed pretty normal other than her aching head and tired state.

"Save your apologies, Jung. What did you do to her?"

"Well, she was running away, and I was just coincidentally smoking in the same street where she stayed for a while!"

"And? Why did you hit her head with a brick?! Are you fucking insane?! What if she loses her memories or, worse, dies?!"

Somehow, this conversation caught her interest although the details weren't given. After hearing the voices of the two, she quickly recognized Chaeyoung's mad voice.

Hell, Chaeyoung is mad?

"Alright, look. I met Seulgi a few days after at her workplace that's why I recognized her. While I was smoking, someone suddenly ran into the dark street beside me and started talking to herself. Of course, I'd hear it! She planned to fight some armed men and I recognized her so do you think I'd just stand there and let her do so?"

Apparently, asking if Chaeyoung was mad wasn't the right question.

Seulgi's eyes shot open and looked at the other girl in shock.

"You- Krystal?!" The question was lost for a moment after she recognized the other. Sure, she knows her. But how on earth did she even get here?

No, no. That's not the right question either!

"Hi, Seul–"

"No, fuck your hi. Did you hit me with a fucking brick?!" She shouted in confusion and annoyance as she continued to glare at Krystal. However, that didn't seem to affect the other.

Unfortunately, Krystal just found her hot.

Nice situation to start her day.

Before Krystal could answer, Seulgi felt a jolt of pain strikes her head. She winced yet signaled Chaeyoung that she was fine and she didn't need assistance.

But Chaeyoung ignored her and still got up from her seat to help her lean on the bed frame with pillows on her back because, of course, her head would hurt.

How the fuck would it not when a brick almost broke her skull?

"You do know her?" Chaeyoung asked as she was still suspicious of Krystal. Who wouldn't be when a stranger suddenly shouts at their gate, asking for help and screaming that Seulgi's dying?

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