Chapter 4

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[Into the Fire]


6:45 p.m

Seul - 🐻

Eyes tightly closed, Seulgi gripped the doorknob and slowly turned it right, hoping and praying to all the gods (she's an atheist) that she'd successfully leave this hell peacefully.

"Fuck it." She cursed under her breath and opened the door in one swing.

Fortunately, it worked!

"Damn, do I love myself." She smiled and tiptoed her way from the hallway to the stairs. "I can do this." She quietly motivated herself as she carefully picked the place to step on.

Four steps.

Just a few more.

She's an expert at this.

Of course, she can do this.

Now just two steps.

'Don't you dare creak. Don't you fucking dare–'

Who was she kidding? Hell can never bring peace.

"Good evening, Kang. I wonder why you're trying to be quiet. Is it because you don't want to wake anyone up?"

Seulgi's whole body tensed up when she felt the person walking down the stairs and stopping beside her. Her eyes dared everywhere except Jennie's.


Once again, here comes Jennie Kim.

"Jen!" Seulgi exclaimed with an awkward laugh. "To answer your question, yes, I was simply being considerate. I would never dare wake you all up–"

"It's six p.m., Kang." Jennie bluntly cut her off before leaving her on the stairs. God knows how many curses she had already whispered to herself as she followed the other. "Are you getting ready for a party down the alley? I heard from Jisoo that Jay's going somewhere fun later. If that's true, then I'll join you!"

Seulgi laughed and shook her head. Thankfully, Jennie is still unsuspicious of her and is in a good mood. If she continues this without any wrong moves, she might get to leave with no worries. It was good that the lights were turned off because if they weren't, that would be her last straw.

"Now, where's the switch? Why are the lights even off?"

Seulgi sighed. "It's here, dumbass."

There we go.


Kang Seulgi, why are you so fucking stupid.


"Kind of you to turn the lights on yourself and let me see your outfit," Jennie's sudden change of tone finally cleared it all out for Seulgi. This is the end. No one's leaving this house alive unless someone rescues her. "I thought you were wearing something nice."

"Well, I wasn't. And there's no party down the alley. I haven't talked to Jay about any of those. I'm planning on going to the convenience store, though. Do you want me to get something for you?"

Shit, that was smooth.

That's right, Kang. Keep it cool.

"You're going to a convenience store while wearing a bathrobe?"


Seulgi looked down and finally felt her soul leave her body.

So that was why she felt extremely comfortable and soft. She thought her leather had just changed texture, so she didn't mind checking it. But how does a fucking coat even change itself?!

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