Chapter 49

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You spent a week resting and relaxing in Asgard. There were feasts and dances, and plenty of time hiding in the library with Loki. Including at 3am one morning when you couldn't sleep with nightmare of the other dying at Balder's hands. Needless to say, Thor came looking for you that night. You managed to escape the library before he found you and were having a tea party in the middle of the kitchens when he found you again. He looked grumpy as he picked you both up, once under each arm. "Why do you two insist on making sure you get no sleep?" he grumbled.

"Thor, we couldn't sleep," you protested.

"You two are grownups,"

"And should be allowed to get a cup of tea when we can't sleep," Loki replied logically and grumpily.

"Not according to Mother," Thor replied, equally grumpily. "It would be so much easier if I just had to give you two Mother's tonic and go back to bed, but no, I have to go searching the palace for you." You and Loki both laughed at him and his misfortune, which made him huff and roll his eyes. He set you on our feet outside of Loki's suite and handed you each a vial of the potion from Frigga.

Unfortunately, he gave you the wrong ones and you was given the one brewed for Loki. You were unconscious for the whole day because of it, and whining at a very worried Loki at 3am the next morning that you were bored. "It's time to sleep, darling," he told you groggily, curled up in his bed with his blankets.

"Fine, I'll go find someone else to play with me," you told him with a glint of mischief. He shot up and grabbed your arm before you could climb out of the bed.

"You will do no such thing. We will do something fun in the morning. Rest, darling," he told you, pulling you back down among the blankets.

"Fine," you grumbled. You summoned a book and a small light and read for a few hours. Loki kept his word and took you out horseback riding the next day. You had never been before, so it was exciting and terrifying to be on top of the horse.

Your week of rest in Asgard ended far too soon. Loki was still supposed to be on his journey and could only visit home for so long. There were rules to it. You didn't know what they were yet, but there were rules. You were sure you would find out eventually what they were, since you would be visiting every time he went home.

There was a giant feast of all of the supers when you returned to Midgard, a celebration for capturing Balder. It was a celebration that lasted all night. You were still considered heroes among all of these supers for a long time to come. Your takedown of Balder became legend almost instantly.

You had a week off when you got home and spent your last week before classes playing at the amusement part, water park, malls, movie theaters. Anything and everything fun you could think to do, you did with Loki at your side.

You were nervous to go back to school. You figured the students would hate you for what you'd done to the football jerk at the end of the previous year.


Classes were boring when they started again as was the school. No one spoke to you, so nothing really changed all that much. They thought excluding you from everything would show their displeasure. It took a little while before the girls who had been victimized by the stupid jock approached to thank you. They could sleep at night now, thanks to what you'd done. It was only the popular crowd who hated you.

The classes themselves were extremely boring. You had all of Loki's knowledge in your brain from the soulbond, so you breezed through your courses. You were tempted to test out of them, but you also wanted as normal of a senior year of high school as possible. Loki was somehow allowed to be your guard again that year. The only reason you could think of for that was that his infamous silver tongue had made it happen. The stupid preps who had harassed you last year had all graduated, so you could ignore the drama in the school. It wouldn't affect your future.

You patrolled nearly every night, but things were quiet. The Harlequin was laying low and had since Balder was defeated. The other villains in the city seemed to take that as a hint that they should lay low too. This ended with lots of kisses during patrol. If anyone found out, they didn't say anything. Even when there were pictures of you in full Loki/Sigyn costume making out in the park one evening. You was surprised you didn't get in trouble for that one. You'd been on patrol after all.

The new Avengers movie came out in theaters, the one you had the preview DVD of. You and Loki went in full costume to the midnight release. You had so much fun signing autographs, taking selfies with fans, and generally pretending to be the characters. You cheered the loudest when we saw Tom and Kelly, the actor and actress who played Loki and Sigyn in the movie, come to the same midnight showing. They were in costume too, but yours were better. Before the airing, the theater begged for you to put on your comic con act for them, since all four of you were there. You agreed with some prodding from Tom, who was always up for some fun. You did the performance for the crowd and you knew it was being posted online moments later, but it was fun and hilarious, especially when the crowd kneeled for Loki during it. You stormed out and recited your lines, fighting hard to keep the anger in your voice that the words called for.

Tom and Kelly also wanted to take pictures of the soulbond lines on your arms, after making you explain what they were. You had a feeling those were going to be showing up in an upcoming movie. You took selfies with them, which you immediately posted to all of your social media. It was fun showing off a little. They sat next to you during the movie and they cheered the loudest in the theater during the kiss scene. You just blushed and tried to hide your face. You had a feeling one of the interviews about the movie was going to include that that was not Tom and Kelly in that scene.


You got a fair number of emergency calls for healings during those first couple months at school. Including one during a math test. The teacher tried to tell you that you couldn't leave the test part of the way through, even though you had permission from the school to leave class for emergencies, and she would only give you credit for the questions you answered before you left the room. You scribbled out the answers and work for the rest of the question in about 30 seconds, slapped the test on her desk and stormed out of the room so you could teleport back to the compound in the privacy of the hallway. You had to report to the principal the next day for that stunt, but when you explained that Clint had gotten injured keeping a bus load of kids on a field trip from going off a bridge, and you had to leave class to go heal him, you were let off immediately and your math teacher got a formal reprimand.


Loki began his plans for your anniversary about a month ahead of time. You laughed at how adorable he was about it, trying to get them perfect, but didn't pry into his plans. That would be rude, especially with how much work he was putting in to them.

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