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What Savannah wanted to do was go home and stay in bed all night, but the opposite happened, and that's how she found herself pulling into the hotel parking lot. The two brothers had just pulled up in their fancy car, and she rolled her eyes unimpressed. "Of course..."

She decided to go through the back way, because the hotel manager knew who she was. Peeking around the corner, the red Ferrari was driving around to the side. A random couple came out of the door, and Savannah used that as a way in. Her legs carried her to the 2nd floor in record time.

The moment she turned the corner, she bumped into Cesare. "Sadie, what are you doing here?"

"That's not my name." Savannah was about to correct him, but time was of the essence, and it was slipping between her fingers too quickly. She was given that name when the first murder happened. Ever since then the townspeople avoided her like the plague. It only seemed to get worse with every dream she had. "Never mind that... I've come to help you. You're in danger." She took 1 minute to sum up the dream to them.

"If your dream is true, which I doubt," Cesare gave her a look of disgust, "then who is the culprit?"

He got her there. She shrugged her shoulers. "I don't know. I didn't see her, but the maid did give you a description." They gestered for her to continue on. "She was... is a latina, short- about 5'2 maybe, long brown hair... oh and she had a large tattoo of a rose with vines going down her right thigh."

Apparently, her words meant something to them, considering they were dragging her into Room 221

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Apparently, her words meant something to them, considering they were dragging her into Room 221. "When is this supposed to happen?"

"Now." Someone knocked on the door right after, and Savannah handed Cesare a towel. "Play it cool, but don't touch the roses with your hands. They're coated with a highly flammable chemical."

She and the younger brother, Lorenzo hid behind a wall as the door was opened. "My name is Lorenzo Salvatore de Luca, by the way. That's my older brother Giuseppe Cesare de Luca, but he prefers to be called 'Cesare.'"

"My name is Savannah." She offered him a smile as they retreated back into silence. It was obvious Lorenzo wanted to ask her more questions, but time had run out.

Cesare closed the door and made his way over to them. "What do I do now?" It was evident he was shaken up.

"Put the flowers on the windowsill. Open the blinds and then quickly come to me." He met Savannah's eyes, but she turned away to hide her blush. This was not the time to be crushing on him. He did as he was instructed. A car revved up below at the exact moment he made his way over to the other two.

The bomb within the flowers exploded, pushing them back with a powerful force. Savannah hit her shoulder pretty hard on the dresser. A cry left her mouth, as the flames spread up the curtains. The sprinkler had no effect on it, but it did manage to drench them.

The fire alarm resounded throughout the entire building alerting all guests and personnel. Savannah threw towels at Lorenzo and Cesare to protect them from the smoke. Opening the front door, she ran out into the hallway to get to the fire extinguisher. Thick smoke filled the corridor causing people to panic. Someone pushed Savannah down on the floor in an attempt to save their own life. Once she got to the flame fighter, she rushed back to the room.

In her bravery, she fought the flames, in spite of the sharp pain in her shoulder. It didn't help that the container was super heavy. In her attempt to save the brothers, she forgot to cover her own mouth from smoke inhalation. The smoke grabbed a hold of her lungs and sucked all the clean oxygen out. Her eyes began to water, and she couldn't stop coughing once she started.

Once they were all safe, Lorenzo spoke up. "You were right! You were actually right! Thank you!"

Cesare tried to fight his coughing fit long enough to get his thoughts together. He glanced at the mysterious woman before him and immediately noticed the blood dripping from the gashes on her hands. "You're bleeding." Before he could stop himself from acting on impulse, he gently grabbed her hand.

"I'm fine." Savannah quickly snatched her hand from his. She could feel her Spirit awaken within her. This was familiar, and she didn't want it. She didn't want to get hurt again... She took a step back as if that would help the pull.

He could sense his spirit calling out to her. A recognition swept over him again, this time bringing him revelation. He knew her, but how could that be when he just met her today? No, he didn't want this either. He wouldn't allow himself to be hurt again. The only way to ensure his heart remained protected was to push this girl away.

Lorenzo noticed the shift in his brother's attitude. Oh no, this was not going to be good. "Great job, Crazy Sadie. I guess the others were right about you. Death and destruction do follow you around."

Savannah couldn't believe her ears. Was he saying what she thought? How could he spew such nasty words after she just saved his life? Her eyes started to water, but she promised herself to never cry in front of anyone ever again. She took a step back and turned on her heel walking right out the front door.

She passed by fire fighters, police officers and EMT's. All seemed oblivious to her presence. As she breathed in fresh air, that only seemed to make her coughing worse. Her shoulder hurt more, but she overlooked it and drove home.

Back in the hotel, Lorenzo looked at Cesare in disbelief. "Non posso crederti! Se l'hai dimenticato in fretta, ti ha appena salvato la vita! (I can't believe you! In case you've forgotten that quickly, she just saved your life!)"

"Ho fatto quello che dovevo. (I did what I had to.)" Cesare tried to justify his actions, but it even sounded wrong to him.

The emergency personnel rushed in the room so, Lorenzo whispered his next words. "So che Isabella ti ha spezzato il cuore, ma non hai bisogno di ferire gli altri nel modo in cui ti ha ferito. (I know Isabella broke your heart, but you don't need to hurt others the way she hurt you.)"

The truth of the matter is Cesare did feel terrible. Once the words left his mouth he wished he could've prevented it from ever happening. The look of hurt on her face actually hurt him as well. He didn't want to admit it, but he has been acting like his ex-girlfriend. Isabella did him dirty, and now she was trying to kill him. Sadie didn't deserve that, especially since she risked her life to save his. 

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