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"Go away!" Savannah yelled at Cesare as he tried feed her his Mother's homemade soup.

"Ragazza testarda! (Stubborn girl!)" Cesare was fed up with her attitude. Every since she woke up, she's been in a foul mood with him. "You need to eat!"

Mrs. De Luca knocked on the door and walked in. "Savannah, sweetheart, could you please eat the soap? It will help you get better."

Hearing his mother's plea made Savannah take the bowl from Cesare's hands. "Of course! Thank you for the food, Mrs. De Luca. I'll be sure to eat it all." The older woman smiled at her and left the room.

Cesare looked at her in shock. She was driving him crazy. He continued to stare at her. "What?" She growled. "I can feed myself. I'm not a damn baby!"

"You're my baby, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you." That thought popped into Cesare's mind, and a blush quicky rushed to his cheeks. He excused himself out of embarrassment, leaving Savannah to herself. Of course she felt his emotions, thanking God when he left the room so she could blush herself.

After she finished the delicious soup, she called her friend, Officer Fernandez. "Savannah, it's been 2 days since I've last heard from you!"

She winced as he scolded her. "I know. I know, and I'm sorry. My stitches tore, and I passed out from the blood loss. But don't worry. I made it to my destination safely, and they're taking great care of me."

"We ran the fingerprints found on the bloody knife in your apartment. They matched the prints found on Sofia. Armando has been placed on the Most Wanted List." Officer Fernandez gave her the rundown on what happened since she left. That could only mean that Armando was now coming for her, and she had no doubts that Isabella would be accompanying him.

Cesare came back into the room, and Savannah quickly said her goodbyes. "Mm okay. I'll call you tomorrow. I love you too. Bye..." Officer Fernandez chuckled before he hung up, probably guessing that Cesare was close by.

Savannah could feel him burning a hole in the side of her face, but she refused to look at him. "Who was that?" He was jealous, and she resisted the urge to smirk. Instead, she grabbed the empty bowl and made her way to the door. "I asked you a question."

"Since when am I obligated to answer?" Cesare blocked the door with his body as she tried to leave.

"Since you're in my house..." He stated as a fact.

Savannah shrugged, pulling Cesare into her trap. "Hmmm, then I guess I'll have to find somewhere else to lay my head at night. Maybe Paolo has a spare room for me."

Oh, this made him mad. "Don't joke like that! You're not going anywhere near the likes of him!"

"Cesare, you don't own me. Hell, we're not even dating." She poked his chest for emphasis. "Don't. Tell. Me. What. To. Do!"

He grabbed her hand, pulling her body into his chest. She looked up at him, getting ready to chew him out, when he kissed her. "Per favore, rimani qui con me. (Please stay here with me.)"

"What does that mean?" Her breathing came out irregular. She was in bliss. What are you doing, Savannah? Get a hold of yourself! We're NOT falling for him.

"Get dressed. We're going shopping." His smile made her stomach leap in happiness.

But that smile of hers dropped instantly. "Shopping? I hate shopping." This was news to Cesare. He had never met a woman who didn't like shopping.

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