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Sofia's POV:

☆☆2 Years Ago☆☆

"Babe, a couple of the girls and I wanted to go out to Baltimore and enjoy graduation." Chris, my husband of 2 years walked into the room and greeted me with a kiss as I got ready.

"Sure. Don't drink too much, and call me if you need a ride." He looked over my outfit and nodded in approval. "You look beautiful." As he was about to leave, he paused. "Cesare called for the 6th time today... you should call him back..."

Rolling my eyes at that news, I did a once over in the mirror, satisfied with the results, and stood to my feet. "I'll call him tomorrow. I don't want him messing up my night." With that being sad, I kissed my husband and ran down the stairs. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" His laughter echoed behind me.

I jumped in the car with my girls Patricia, Janet, and Whitney. My husband lives in Carlisle, a small town in Pennsylvania. He owns the Ulta company and has warehouses throughout the country. Money isn't a problem, but he doesn't flaunt it, and that's what drew me to him.

Coming from Rome, Italy, my family was birthed into wealth. Lorenzo was different from Cesare. He was humble and didn't take life for granted. He was wise beyond his years. Cesare on the other hand was boisterous and used our family name to get ahead, without having to put in the work. My brothers were complete opposites, but they got along so well.

They treat me like I'm fragile. It's annoying, but I know they do it because they love me. When Chris came to Rome on a business trip, I accidentally spilled my drink on him and offered to buy him a new shirt as compensation. He asked to take me out to dinner instead.

He prolonged his trip for me, and I took him to meet my family. Everyone loved him, except Cesare. He was just being overly protective and bitter, because he caught his fiancée, Isabella, cheating on him with his childhood best friend, Paolo. Lorenzo and I knew she was bad news, but Cesare couldn't see it. She was sneaking behind his back 2 out of 3 years they were together.

Cesare gave her everything, and it still wasn't enough. Even after he caught her in the very act, he was going to take her back, but Isabella chose to be with Paolo in the end. He tried to buy her love, but it backfired on him. Anyone could tell, just by looking at them together, that Isabella didn't love Cesare; she loved his money.

When they they broke up for good, and her money supply went dry, she lied and said she was pregnant, and the baby was Cesare's. Of course, he took her back and spoiled her rotten, only to be devastated again 6 months later. When she gave birth, Cesare demanded a paternity test. The baby wasn't his...

Paolo gloated in Cesare's face every chance he got, until his family demanded he take a test too. It turns out the baby wasn't his either. Needless to say, both families had a falling out because of Isabella.

Chris asked my parents blessing to marry me and they gave it. We were married a week later, and I moved to the United States with him. The reason Cesare and I haven't talked in a few months was because he started a fight with my husband when he came to visit for the new year. Apparently, he ran into Isabella and her daughter, causing him to drink himself into a stupor.

I sent him back to Italy the next day...

"Sofie, I need to fill up. Can you buy snacks?" Whitney said as we pulled into a Sheetz gas station in another town. The place was bustling with college students. I rushed in picking up some drinks and snacks and paying for it.

As I was coming back out, a girl my height with milk chocolate skin grabbed my arm. Her eyes were watery, and she suddenly reminded me of Lorenzo, like she held a wisdom far beyond her years. "Don't go to the club tonight."

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