7th Year

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I first met him when I was in 7th year. It was lunch time, the cafeteria was crowded and noisy. He was sitting at the center table with his friends.

They were laughing, talking out loud and just joyful, there would be someone or a group, both girls and boys, that would stop at their table and gossip or just laugh with them. Typical populars.

Goofing around and just being loud, everyone in the table but him. He was just eating, maybe because of the fact that he's wearing a headphone, that he was silent.

He was wearing a white shirt then, opposite of me who's wearing black. He had a black piercing that suited him well, maybe it was because of that piercing that I labeled him as someone not nice and loud too like his friends.

That guy was the only one that really ever give me this kind of impression, hard enough to not forget him.

After that day, I saw him again in the field. He was playing soccer with his friends and he was smilling. Everyone was cheering them on, their opponent were my friends.

There were many on lookers and still multiplying, attracted by the loud cheers from both sides of the field. Everyone was getting cheered on, every player seems popular. And there were some students who would talk to me and asked me why I did not play with them, in which I answered, "I'm not feeling well."

Later that day, his team won the game and my friends and his become acquinted since then. I also got to know them, and that his name was Krist. I only know that his name was Krist and that he's a year younger than me.

From time to time, my friends and his would get together for another game where I always cannot participate for varying reasons.
During lunch, sometimes we'll share a table. And I get to know Krist more. Well, I'm not intending to know him more but since my friends were curious about him, I get to listen. Besides, it's just some small additional information.

He's not really always that quiet. He talk from time to time but only if he's interested or he's curious about you. He's the type of guy that prefers music and his interests more than anything. It's not that he's not social, it's just that he doesn't really care about what others think or were doing. He's not afraid to be judged that's why he can stay quiet and not talk to someone. Well, that's what his friends said.

He can play so many musical instruments. He can sing well.
He can dance. He loves soccer, swimming and basketball. He's very smart. All in all, his friends keep on praising him and when someone talk bad about him or just said something that sounds bad, they defend him so earnestly. He must really be a good friend for them to act like this because it really seemed like they all love him.

There were many encounters with them. Many shared table in the cafeteria. Many games played with them. Many gigs and fooling around. I even heard them play as a band, and it turned out that Krist was their band leader. I've watched him play the drums.

My friends ask his friends if he was the drummer when we first saw them play and I just happen to hear it, I was not curious. They said, 'Krist is not just the drummer, he'll sometimes play the guitar and sometimes sing.'

We got to spend time together with them, but the number of times that I talk to him can be counted by my fingers. And not once did I ever heard him speak without someone talking to him first.

His  headphone already have a nickname in my head, I call it 'HP Master', short for headphone master. I kinda wish to spend time with him alone, you know to ask for advice about soccer cause he really plays well.

And I got that chance. I got to spend time with him alone, though we did not speak. We'll have an outing at that time, to go to the beach cause Krist's band, which was called 'Liole', will perform in this party and Liole invited us to watch them perform.

The meeting place was the suv, owned by Ice's family, which we will use as the ride to the beach. He was the first one inside and I came second. He was sleeping with his head leaning on the window. I sat next to him.

I think I saw some dirt in his face or something cause I found myself staring at him. He have a pointed nose, red pinkish lips, his lashes were long and his skin is very white and soft looking. I remove the dirt in his face hence I was caressing him. His cheeks were cute and chubby, it was also very smooth. His soft looking ebony colored hair was messy but nevertheless looked good on him.

I spent a whole lot of time observing him to secure him from the dirt in case it decided to go back to his face, I guarded his face by staring at him intently. And the whole time I was staring, I realized how beauti-- ehem, how handsome he is. How can a boy be this cute? It must be the dirt earlier that made me think he is cute, right? Right, cause why would a grown man have a dirt on his prett-- ehem, on his face? He's so cut-- ehem, clumsy. I better observed him much more intently from now on. Yes, Singto you do that, I mean no one would know that I have become his stalk-- ehem, admir-- ehem, become his guard right?

Liole is read as leeyol
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