First Call: Drunk Dial

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Singto has been in a daze since he got up this morning. Seiya and Sei are worried but they cannot help him even if they want to.

They've tried everything, they've been fussing around him since they reached Singto a month ago. But all were useless, they can only stare at him worriedly and guard him so that he won't do anything stupid and to stop him from drowning in alcohol.

He's been drinking it like water. There were times were he drank it in a daze and pokerfaced. Sometimes he'll silently cry and sometimes he'll have a breakdown. He has perfectly shown the two sisters how a broken hearted really should behave.

No one likes this version of Singto. This Singto does not smile. He does not care about his surroundings. He's always in a daze. He does go to school but he never interacts with anyone. Gone was Mr. Perfect.

During weekdays he'll study like crazy at home and stare into nothingness at school. He only eat three spoonful during lunch, not less and not more. He won't listen when called, he can't hear it (not focused enough). When bell rangs, even if the teacher's still in front, he would got up and go home. He answers quizzes and tests perfectly tho but never answered the questions on the board and never answered in recitations. The school called his family, that was the only reason his family get to know his condition and let the two sisters followed after him.

They found out that during weekends, he'll be drinking nonstop.

His sisters tried to stop him many times. They will hide the drink, any liquor in the house. He won't get mad but he'll get up and will start searching the house with unfocused eyes. If he can't find any, he will go outside to buy. He almost got into an accident while buying liquor outside because he was in a daze and was drunk, it was a relief that Seiya followed him.

Sometimes, without his sisters knowledge, he would stay up all night drinking. And when morning comes, his sisters would see him in a daze. The bottles, already been thrown. It become a habit where his body will unconciously clean the table just like a robot, he's still uncomfortable when things are untidy even if he's out of it.

The dazed and drunk Singto reach for his phone just like an automatic robot. He dialed a familliar number. Usually, no one answers it but this time, it connected.

When the call got connected, it's like a switch was triggered. His unfocused and dead eyes regain life and intensity which was directed to the phone. He checked the number again if it was correct.

Nobody can blame him for disbelieving and doubting. This number, there's not a day where he won't try calling it, he would even call it in every hour. But all of it have never been answered. For the past four months, it has never been answered.

"Kit?" He started.
There was only silence on the other side.
"Kit, if you're there, say something," he cried.

Still silence. Singto hiccupped in the midst of his cries, then he sighed. "No matter. Kit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you just like that. I have my reasons. Kit... Believe me, please..."

Singto didn't mind the silence and keep on muttering and pleading, "Kit, please don't hate me. Don't get mad. I can't bear it Kit. Don't ignore me. Answer my calls. Don't turn away from me. I might go crazy Kit. I might not be able to bear it any longer." He keeps on sobbing while pleading.

Tears that he thought will never flow anymore because for the past few days it refuses to do so. He thought he couldn't cry anymore but he was proven wrong. They keep on falling just like how a waterfall keep on falling from above lake.

Singto was a mess, much more than before. The feeling of relief he thought he would had felt from Krist answering the call; from talking to Krist, didn't come, instead it caused more pain.

"Kit, I'm sorry. I can't bear it Kit. Talk to me, don't ignore me. Talk to me Kit..." He keep on pleading Krist to talk to him because since the call connected until now, the other side remained it's silence.

"Why couldn't you bear it?" Because Singto was drunk and desperate, he didn't notice that Krist's voice was unusual.

Instead, Singto got excited and he shouted, "I love you Kit!"

There was another silence but it seemed like Singto didn't notice it, "I couldn't tell you before Kit because I have my reasons, but mostly, it's because I'm a coward. I couldn't. It was supposed to be easy because you said that you like me too. But I just can't. I was a fool. I'm a fool and stupid. Even now, I'm being a fool. Instead of flying there and telling you face to face, here I am, confessing to you through a phone call. I'm stupid, I'm so stupid. So stupid. So stupid. I'm so stupid." Singto keep on hitting himself while he keeps on saying how stupid he was.

The other line remained silent.

"But I'd like to think that I have a reason deeper than that. Not just because I got cold feet but because of a promise. A promise to my young self and to my first friend. Kit, I couldn't say I love you to just someone, if I ever say those three words. It would be to my future partner, to my lifelong partner."

"Don't think that I didn't think of you as such. I love you Kit. You are the only one I've ever loved like this. I have an unbelievable self control but it seems like it's non-existent when in front of you. I love you but I thought it's not the time yet. I was supposed to propose to you after I graduate. Kit, please believe me. I love you."

Still silence, Singto pleaded again, "Kit, I hope you give me another chance. I can't do it Kit, I can't live without you. Kit, I love you."

Singto pleaded again and again. He never stopped. He poured all his feelings to this one call but Krist never said a word again. It was unknown whether he was still listening but despite that uncertainty, Singto never stop. As he plead, his tears keep on pouring out. It never seemed to stop.

Just like that, the day passed with the call, pleading and crying still on going.

They never seemed to care about the phone bill?

Anyway. There was a sigh at the other line and what followed after was Krist's voice, "Rest." Then it was hanged up.

Singto was taken a back for a moment, and for just a moment he stopped crying before pouring out again.

"He still cared about me," he softly whispered. He was happy with just this word; with just one word. His lips slowly rising but his tears never seemed to stop.

'To be Continued'

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