The way Oajun Sees it

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Seventh year was a blast. We got to know cool and awesome guys. We got to play with them and got to listen to their amazing songs. Then there was this guy, a year younger than us.

His name was Krist Perawat Sangpotirat. He was the drummer and the band leader. The memebers said he also sings and sometimes plays the guitar.

He was cute, beautiful or gorgeous I admit. And he was the kind of guy that would make you concious of yourself. Your conduct and your appearance. You need to watch yourself to avoid embarassment in front of him.

You'll get a bit flustered in front of him. Not because you're attracted to him or something, it's his appearance, his aura, his demeanor, just his presence alone will make you aware of yourself.

He's not the type of guy that just because he's being low key you will not notice him, it's the opposite. You'll have no other choice but to be aware that he's there. I think even his band mates would do their best to conduct themselves in front of him although they like goofing around and are very noisy but who am I to judge?

But that was not the only reason I found myself following his every actions. It's because of the way Singto conduct himself in his presence. Even if we, ordinary people got affected by Krist's aura, it's not unsual nor strange but if Mr. Perfect did, that's what makes it weird.

The Singto Prachaya Ruangroj is not the type to be affected, rather he's the opposite. He'll be the one who'll affect you.

If Krist makes you aware of yourself so that you will not make a fool of yourself or to prevent yourself from embarrassment. Singto would make yourself want to do your best so that he'll notice you or give you his attention. To make mischief or to conduct yourself properly or upright, it doesn't matter, as long as you got his attention you'll do it.

But the problem is, Singto is not easilly moved. His attention is fleeting. He treats everyone equally. Maybe except his friends, he treats us differently from a stranger but even so, there is no hierarchy or better yet, there is no one closer or closest. He treats us, his friends, equally. He's not close to you rather he's close to all of you.

And although someone wants to complain, they can't do a thing cause everyone feels the same way, they will pull you down with their fastest speed just so you'll be the same as them, so that you'll not be treated differently or be treated better by Singto.

Singto got the nickname, Mr. Perfect. He is smart, if anything smarter than smart. He's very rich. He's kind, he draws, he sings and dance. He's a great writer, composer and choreographer. He can play 18 instruments. He knows how to ride a motorcyle, cars, to operate a ship or yacht and even a plane. He's kind. He can hold his liquor. He's good at sports. Great leadership, supporter and even his teaching is good. He speaks 10 different languages. He's a great fighter. He's handsome and got a great body. He's a gentleman and got a great personality. All in all, he is perfect.

Everyone respects and adore him. And even if you're against him or jealous of him, you can't do a thing about it because for one, he fights well, not just physically but also verbally. He can lead you on. But if those didn't work, there's his followers and die hard fans. Who will do everything and who will put you in your place, something that Singto hated the most.

Now, this Mr. Perfect, is affected by Krist. Something I find interesting.

I once asked Prince and New about this discovery of mine but they didn't believe me. They said that Singto is always like that.

But I got this feeling that Singto is really different when it comes to Krist.

I  accidentally caught Singto staring at Krist this one time. We didn't even know 'Liole' back then. I was talking to Singto but he was not listening, something unusual. So I got curious and followed his gaze to know where he was looking at and I found Krist.

I didn't think much at that time, besides what's wrong with staring at a guy, a stranger in fact? We do it all the time.

And then it was followed by another, and another and another. I always caught him staring at Krist. He would even sometimes smile and would said 'hp master' in a low voice.

The same thing happened when we played soccer against 'Liole'. He did not participate because he was not feeling well at that time. I got the time to look at Singto so I did; ever since I caught him staring at Krist, it become a habit of mine to observe him. I caught him staring at Krist and he looked amazed. When I think about it now, maybe he was moved and amazed by Krist's skill. But at that time, when I thought of that idea I immediately rejected it. I mean I know Krist is really good but for Singto to show such open admiration is really not him, he cannot commit such a basic mistake.

Every actions he made, well at least most of his actions, were calculated. One of the reasons that Singto treats everyone equally and that there was no special person cause aside from the fact that there was really none, is that he was being mindful of what his fans and followers would think and would do because of jealousy or didn't like the idea of him treating someone special. So I couldn't help but reject the idea of Singto being aware and perhaps attracted to Krist.

So, although I have this assumptions in my head, I did not dare believed it.

But when 8th grade came. I got a clearer picture of what really I should believe. Singto is really attracted to Krist, he might even be having a crush on him, something that he himself did not noticed.

Why do I say so? That's because I heard it all, when the two of them are on their own world just talking to each other. That was also the day Krist said that Mr. Perfect suited his interest perfectly.

While the two of them made me invisible I was also observing them. I watched as Singto blushed and get flustered by what Krist said. I watched the way his eyes would twinkle as he gazed at Krist, how earnest he looked listening to Krist.

And when Krist laughed out loud, I saw how wide his grin was while staring intently at him. A grin that he never once directed to anyone. The intensity of his stare would make a fire shy, it's actually a wonder why Krist didn't squirm in his seat.

I dunno about Krist but if I ever say something I'd say, he's at least interested in Singto. He said it himself, "Mr. Perfect suits my interest perfectly."

Ever since that little confontation in the cafeteria, Krist and Singto got closer. They both fussed at each other, so much that if you were in my place you'll get dizzy watching them.

I need to watch out how this relationship turned out. Not just because it's entertaining. But also for this little guy, Krist's younger brother, Fiat. Mind you, Fiat, Ice and I made a group chat and there, we will gossi-- ehem, what? You think I'm gonna change my word? No way, I just coughed. I will openly and shamelessly say that the group chat was made so that we can gossip. Boys do gossips too, not just girls.

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