Dream within a Nightmare

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'Always remember I love you, Kit.'

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling.

I can't stop myself from smiling ever since yesterday. I even think that I was also smiling in my sleep. My mind keeps on repeating my confession from yesterday, I even dreamt about it. The first thing I thought about when I woke up was the call.

He didn't tell me his thoughts nor did he say that he officially forgive me but even so he listened until the end.

It feels good to confess. It's like a huge boulder has been lifted off my shoulder. I had never been felt so free and refreshed all my life.

I started my day with a smile for the very first time since living here in the US. I think today will be a great day. Can't jinx it though. *snickers*

I got up, freshen up and went down to see P'Seil preparing breakfast and P'Sei sitting at the dining table, waiting for the breakfast. They both look at me at the same time.

"Good morning, Phees." I greeted them joyfully.

"Haa, good morning nong." P'Seil looked taken aback but still returned my greetings with the same energy as I did.

"How was your sleep?" P'Sei asked me and she looked curious.

I smiled even more widely, if that's even possible. "Good. The best I ever had, actually."

They look at each other for a moment then turned back to look at me at the same time, "That's great, nong." P'Seil said smilingly while P'Sei just nodded also with a smile on her face.

I sat in front of P'Sei, and then P'Seil soon came with the food in her hand. I immediately got up and helped her. She smiled and said her thanks.

We were quiet when we started eating but after a while, "Phees." I voiced out to catch their attention.

They put down their chopsticks and look at me, "I'm sorry for all the troubles I caused these past few months."

They look at each other and smiled. "Nonsense, don't apologize. We are just glad that you're feeling better now." P'Seil said.

I smiled and resumed eating. They looked like they still have something to say but didn't say anything in the end. I just shrugged it off.

I saw my surroundings for the first time today. These past months, everything went in a blur. Today was the first day I finally notice the greeneries and households. The first day I appreciated the rays of the sun. I felt so refreshed. The wind was cool and it made me felt carefree after so long. It's good to be alive, isn't it? You will feel and you will receive the world's everything. Some might be bad but everything bad has good things in the end if you just persevere. And then, after those things, you'll finally feel and appreciate the world again, once more.

I sighed, so early in the morning and I was getting sentimental.

The walk to school wasn't a long one. In the first place, it was only 15 minutes drive away from the house.

I started greeting my schoolmates the moment I saw one. Acquainted or not, I greet them good morning anyways. It's my way of showing my repentance, my actions these past few months weren't really friendly.

There were some who greeted me back with the same enthusiasm, some who were indifferent, some who just smiled and some who got annoyed and scolded. But I let it go, I mean, maybe they're just not a morning person, just like someone I know. Thinking of that person made me smile again. No matter where I go Kit, you will always bring a smile to my face.

My day has never been better.

During class, I was even more attentive than usual. No, more like, unlike every other days, for once, I listened, I taught myself new knowledge and again, for once, I wasn't clamoring to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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