Day 2

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-Isen secretly has a hoard of pens stashed under his bed that he thinks nobody knows about. 

-^^Blyke found out while looking through Instagram. He found an account called ILuvPens and after looking at the pictures, he knew it was Isen.

-After John insulted her brother, Remi sobbed in her bedroom alone until Blyke and Isen came to find her. They held her and comforted her until they all fell asleep.

-Isen talks in his sleep about the secrets that he found out. Blyke records it every night and has a live stream for all of the students who want to know what's going on in school.

-^^When Remi found out, she took Blyke's phone and hid it under her bed. 

-^^^Little did she know, Blyke had many, many backup devices to stream it on. No matter how hard Remi tried to stop it, Blyke's live stream would go on.

-John and Sera would sometimes play poker until 3 AM. John always won until Sera crushed him one night. After that, Sera could read John's poker face like a book.

-Arlo wished that Sera never abandoned him. She was the only one who understood the pressure of being on the top of the hierarchy. #

-John and Claire were dating at his old school. John always liked her, but they got together right before she betrayed him. 

-^^John vowed never to fall in love again because he thought that he would be betrayed. That went out the window when he befriended Sera.

-Sera always wanted to get rid of her power. She wondered what it would be like to be normal. After losing her ability, she realized how lucky she was. 

-Doc secretly cares about the students and that's why he rants to his dates about them. It's like being a proud/protective father.

-Arlo and Rei became really good friends after their first conversation. When he died, Arlo cried for the first time in years.

-Claire gave John the initial power boost drug to help him grow in the ranks. #

-Blyke and Isen stayed up until 2 AM creating Remi's superhero costume. 

-Remi gets super pissed that X-Rei is misspelled all the time. She ranted for 3 hours to Blyke about how "It isn't spelled X-R-A-Y! It's X-R-E-I! 'E' AND 'I' ARE IMPORTANT!"

-Isen uses for editing his articles even though that editor is trash. Remi steals his computer and proofreads/edits his work. 

-^^Isen pretends not to notice, but he secretly does little things for Remi in return, such as making her bed or doing her homework.

That is all for day 2! I tried to think of a bunch. Most of these are mine, but I found others on Reddit and random blogs. The ones with # at the end are not mine.

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