Day 4

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Spoilers for the newest episode.

He jumped out a window and didn't hurt himself. How in HELL did Arlo jump out a window and not hurt himself? I'm flabbergasted. Really. That was epic and confusing and beautiful.

And now Sera is getting involved. Like, Arlo was just like, "Holden, make sure that Seraphina watches this fight!" That wasn't a direct quote. Do you think that Arlo is going to try to unmask Joker? If he succeeds, what will Sera say to John? OH MEH GAWSH SO MANY QUESTIONS! 

Poor Blyke and Isen. They got beat up. Again. Depressing. I feel bad for them cuz I absolutely LOVE Blyke and Isen. They're such good friends to Remi.

Is John a hero, villain, or antihero? Antihero, right? I don't really support John anymore. I get his motives, but like, Remi proposed a solution. He needs to chill and listen to others. 

I think that Remi was really brave for being unafraid of John. She just went out there and basically asked Joker to come at her. Wow. 

Thank you for listening to my TED Talk. 

Btw, I sprained my wrist so it's hard to type. That's why this is so short.


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