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__ time skip to July__

I was now the 3rd of july and the pregnancy was going as well as we could have ever hoped. i was still working as mush as i could with taking it easy when ever zak told me to he wanted nothing to put the babies or i in harms way, i had not been able to drive for a while now with how big i was so when ever zak was away on a lockdown or for business one of the manegers of the museum would drive me anywhere i needed to go. Zak was coming home today from another lockdown he had been gone for just over a week now. i was working at home today doing payroll on the computer when zak walked in i knew right away that somthing was not right, he did not gret me like always he just went to the dungen without saying a word. i looked at teh clock it was about time for me to go to my ob appt.  i slowly got up and waddled my way over to the bookcase calling out to zak.  zak i have to leave soon for the dr. did you want to go ,  he came out snaping at me NO.  Just leave me be ok, your always trailing me like a lost puppy, n OMFG so needy.  I was so taken back by this i wondered what happened while he was gone, i turned away to get my shoes and then meg the maneger from the museum nocked at the door.  as we drove to the dr's she asked if everything was ok i just shook my head no somthing is wrong with zak i said. he snapped at me after coming home and told me that i was clingy and needy.  she shot me a look that is not the zak i know, she said dont take it personal he may just be stressed out and trying to deal with everything.  I shook my head and agreed.

 We chose not to find out  the sex of any of the babies. zak had wanted to be surprised.  we still had not chose names or even set up a room for the babies.  my dr did an exam and gave me a concerend look. well i can tell you that you may not make it too much longer the babies may come before we like. so id like you to be on bedrest and call me right away of anything changes. i nodded knowing then remander was not going to be much fun. Zak and i had a great sex life and welli knew this was going to be hard for him to not be able to keep his hands to himself. how was i going to tell him that we had to wait to make love again.

When i got home zak was sitting at the kitchen table at his laptop. i slowly aproched him i did not want to upset him in a low voice i called his name, he turned to me getting up to hug me .  as soon as he help me in his arms he started crying like a child i - im so sorry trin im sorry i snaped on you. he sank to his knees his arms holding me by my waist and now talking to the babies. i tugged at his arm a bit and he stood up. i looked up to him not knowing how to tell him what the dr had said. he took my face in his hands talk to me he said calmly, i took a deep breath. the dr said it could be anytime now my body is changing and getting ready for the babies to be born but she wants me on bedrest till they come and well he looked concered what is it, she said no sex till after they are born.  i held his hand i know how you are since our wedding night zak and well you appitighte had grown with the pregnancy.  he smiled love yes with you its all mind blowing for me and yes sometime i cant get enough of you but if it is for the best for our family then i can wait.  he words so calm tender and loving. he then said well if you need to be on bedrest lets get you resting my love. i went to sit on the couch to watch tv for a while and i was looking over the todo list i mad for the next da.  we had planed a big party for friends and family zak was going to bbq.  zak was in the kitchen singing and i walked in to get a glass of water.  And what are you doing up momma he said , i just want to get a drink. he turned to take the glass from me sit he demanded and got me a drink. i sat on a stool watching zak make dinner, he was a great cook and i loved watching him around the house.  

The next morning   when i woke zak was not in bed the norm as of late i called for him and he soon came in the bedroom to help me out fo bed. i kissed him and went to shower and dress. he waited for me and when i was done he helped me down stairs to the couch. aaron and jay and billy and there familys where already over helping zak prep food for the day as i could not life a finger i was told by zak.  I was given my laptop by zak and he whispered i want you to go online and shop for the things we need for the nursery.  i looked at him as he handed me his bank card just use this he said. so i took off ordering all the big things and kept everything coloar nuteral and when it came time to get carseats i called for zak to get his thought on a few things he said y dont we get somthing diferant for each baby so we can tell them apart i nodded.  i asked him if he coudl turn on some music threw the house and he nodded doing so ahhhh BVB - in the end i sang out born a saint though with every sin i want to be holy i will live again.  zak smiled to me . oh ya i called as he walked back to the kitchen um i think we are going to need a mini van  he turned to me a shocked look on his face ya you are right we can go look tomorrow for something you want.  a few min latter i got up to go use the restroom when i came out i was shaking big time all i could do was cry zak heard this dropping what he was in the middle of and running over to me what is it babe are you ok, i looked up to him tear filled eyes i choked on my words im bleeding at the moment i felt my world go black and i passed out in to zaks arms.  Guys zak yelled call 911, Aaron grabbed his phone doing so while take knelt down next to me hold my hand starting to cry screaming at me to wake up.

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