feeling complete

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Spring was about 4 months old. As I sat feeding her one-morning zak came in and sat next to me with his coffee. I smiled at him, hun what would you say if I said I felt like our family is complete. He looked at me, you saying you don't want to have any more children. Not exactly I was thinking of staying on some kind of contraceptive so we can try to not have it happen but by the off chance, it does I would not say no. That was if we agreed to try for a baby again then we can plan it together. Zak smiled I'm ok with that.
Time skip 3 years
The boys are 9 and spring is almost 4 years old.  I had taken the kids to school one day and drove over to the museum to open up as zak way away on business with the crew. When I got there I noticed that Mike our security manager was already there. I got out of the SUV I bid mike a good morning. as I walked up to where he stood he was finishing a smoke, I asked if I could bum one from him. You smoke he asks? Once in a blue moon, I say as I light up. just then my cell rings and I already know who it is. I answer morning my love. to that, I hear zak hmmm smoking babe? just one I say you know how I stress when you are gone as long as you have been and I feel as though everything here falls on me. I know hun I just wish you could do something else in times like this. 
You know I try zak I protest but this is the last straw so to say when I'm stressed. Talk to me he says. I sigh well in the grand scheme of things it is really nothing and I am not sure why I get so worked up over it all. I heard Zak chuckle. then he spoke, love what would you say if I wanted to ask you if we could try for another baby. Knowing in the back of my head he was watching the security cams I smiled big saying that when he returned home that we could talk more about it. we then said our love yous and goodbyes and ended our call.

The End!!!

If you would like to see a sequel to this story or any of my story please let me know.


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