No pool party, yet...

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A/N-I'll try not to use as much violent language as I planned to.  If this upsets you, or you are disturbed with blood and things like that, I'll give a warning on when to start and stop.  Luv y'all.  Ok, now on with the memory!

So this was a very recent memory.  It happened on the last day of school of this year.  A lot has happened since then, although.

I always have an anual pool party the last day of school.  It's always a big thing because I invite my whole class.  Not just my usual clan (Doug, Tree, Sunny, and Stormi). 

And, it's a secret from the boys, but it's also an anual sleep over for the girls that come. 

We've always owned the corner house right next to the school, but when Jin Hyung was younger, he told my parents this,

"When I become rich, I'm going to buy the house next to this house.  You can have the corner house and Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Snow, and me will live right next to you!  Imma put a pool and a patio and there's gonna be a gaming room and a nursery for Snow!"

Well, half of it became a reality.  It is where my hyungs stay when they visit, but I'm probably the one who spends the most time next door.  There IS a pool and there IS a patio.  There is a gaming room (don't ask), but no nursery.  Well, when Jin Hyung said that, I was still a baby so it's understandable. 

I even have another room there for myself there.  It isn't as decorated as my room in Korea or Hawaii or next door, but I decorated it with pictures.  A lot with my friends and brothers.  And my room also doubles as my recording studio for my Youtube channel. 

Anyway, I always do my homework there and always go into the pool (it's an indoor 1) there.  It's where me and my friends hang out most of the time as well. 

But anyway, back to the pool party. 

Stormi always sleeps over the night before.  She comes over after school and we sleep next door the night before the party.  We always have 1 new thing every year, and 5 rules.
-No phones
-No cameras
-No messing up the food
-Clean up after yoursleves
-No swearing

We always have the usuals that we make, but we always have 1 thing that is basically the show stealer.  Like the usuals are :
-The sunscreen station
-Chip bar
-Candy bar
-Fruit bar
-Drink bar (non-alcholic of course)
-Popsicle and ice creams in a cooler
-Hot dogs and Hamburgers

I remember one year it was a shark watermelon. Another year it was a big rice crispie "sand" castle.  Another year, with was shark jello shots.  This year it was snow cone cupcakes with popping candy on top (We aranged it so it said, "Hello Summer!").

And the sleep over was as girly as you could get.  Nail painting, hair fixing, and truth or dare (more on these later).  Korean face masks, baggy pajamas, and secrets are a must as well.   And night swimming is also needed  (night gives swimming a different feel).

My pool party is also my big special cheat day of the year (lol).  We make bath bombs and drink my secret pink fizzy drink.  Ooh! I forgot about karoke!  That's also a big thing.  The winner gets to be the first in line when we do our massaging line (the first person just gets messaged, then when that person moves to the back, its the next person's turn and so on).

But that didn't happen this year.  It got postponed for 2 weeks later.

My brothers came back here instead of Korea before they left for Japan for a little R&R until they end their Love Yourself:Speak Yourself tour (plus they wanted to see my legendary pool parties firsthand).

~The last day of school~

We were eating breakfast at the Hideaway (the neighboring house to the my house aka the corner house) and my brothers were arguing over if they should pick me up.

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