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awsten🤡: alright since i'm fucking stupid i'll talk to you. what do you want.

geoff✨: i wanted you to know that i was sorry for ruining everything.

geoff✨: and that i told the cops

geoff✨: after the second time that you tried to.

geoff✨: i needed to say something. i'm so fucking sorry and i didn't even realize how much it would break your fucking heart until it happened.

awsten🤡: yeah i guess things just happen like that.

geoff✨: and i know that you're still mad. and i know that i deserve it but this past year has been awful and i've literally thought about you every single day.

awsten🤡: thats a good thing. i was locked up in that stupid fucking hospital and after you did that shit you fuckin left. i had tally marks on my fuckin walls of how many days you were gone so i had some sort of motivation to get better.

awsten🤡: and i'm doing a lot better. i thought i was over you and then i unblocked you but here we are.

awsten🤡: and it doesn't matter anyway.

geoff✨: i love you awsten.

awsten🤡: i bet you do.

MIDNIGHT BLUE // gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now