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geoff✨: love what's going on? you won't even look at me

aws™: because i'm stupid and gross and you shouldn't need to deal with this

geoff✨: aws what's happening please talk to me

aws™: he keeps talking to me

aws™: i feel so disgusting i know you saw the things i did

aws™: please don't be mad at me

geoff✨: why would i be mad at you

aws™: for turning into the things i hated.

geoff✨:  you know i would never look at you differently.

geoff✨: you're still you.

aws™: he's gonna do. bad things

geoff✨: he won't i promise

aws™: you don't know that

aws™: you saw it. not all of it, there's worse. but you saw.

aws™: imsorry i fucking did that shit

geoff✨: but look at you. you're better now

aws™: not really.

aws™: i almost fucking died. and he laughed in my face and called me weak. stole money to bail me out and made me do it all over again.

aws™: you haven't seen the thing i've seen. you haven't really seen me for what i am now

aws™: sure the black eye is fading but everything else is still there.

geoff✨: please come here awsten

geoff✨: you don't need to be alone in this.

aws™: if you saw you'd leave me

geoff✨: aws.

aws™: he's right yknow.

aws™: i'm nothing


aws™: i'm not gonna say anything.

aws™: ill reply to you here.  i'm not talking.

aws™: don't look at me.

aws™: you shouldn't love me.

aws™: stop saying that.

aws™: i love you.

aws™: no.

geoff✨: please. we don't even need to talk.

geoff✨: i won't say a word. promise.

aws™: fine.

MIDNIGHT BLUE // gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now