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aws™: hey geoff

aws™: wanna know something rlly cool

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otto🤠: yo geef

otto🤠: u still at work?

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[sunshine🥀 has added otto🤠 and aws™ to the group!]

sunshine🥀: so

sunshine🥀: no beef or anything.

sunshine🥀: but i saw that friend you guys have!

sunshine🥀: just want you guys to see his reaction.

aws™: please don't

sunshine🥀: i'm not gonna hurt him you fucking idiot

sunshine🥀: he's working, and i'm just gonna meet him at the door and show him a few things

otto🤠: wtf

sunshine🥀: [video sent]

sunshine🥀: all these pictures (and there's more!) and a few words i wanted to get out.

sunshine🥀: do you guys get it yet?

sunshine🥀: awsten do you get it??? that if you're gonna ruin me i'm gonna ruin you???

aws™: you already ruined me

sunshine🥀: i'm not the reason you were already ruined. i'm just gonna make it worse.

otto🤠: i'm gonna call the cops

sunshine🥀: lock me up and your little buddy gets locked up too

sunshine🥀: how'd the withdrawals going btw?

aws™: i'm fine

sunshine🥀: you still doing that shit? still getting smoked up every night? still snorting coke off a dirty public toilet seat just so you don't cry when you look at me?

sunshine🥀: do your friends know that youre addicted to that stuff? and how you'd let anyone do anything to you.

sunshine🥀: or how every night you'd lock yourself away to cry about your stupid boyfriend and you'd pop pills and slice yourself up like a maniac

sunshine🥀: you'd wake up the next morning covered in dry blood, hungover and in a zombie like state, you'd cry and say you're sorry and that you love me?

otto🤠: dude you need to knock it off wtf is wrong w u

sunshine🥀: more like what's wrong with that friend of yours.

sunshine🥀: how's it feel awsten? to know that's not even the half of it.

sunshine🥀: gotta go. your little friends gonna be comin out, and i've got some words to share.


aws™: pplesse sotn hatte me


aws™: are you mmad st me


aws™: i can see you rrsading thesr

aws™: just day sinrethin

geoff✨: i'm on my way home. i'll see you in a bit.

MIDNIGHT BLUE // gawstenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن