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aws™: god i'm so stupid i feel like i'm seventeen again.

otto🤠: shit dude i don't really know the full story but i'm really sorry dude

aws™: no it's fine, just. it's so stupid why can't i just say what i mean???? 

otto🤠: idk man talking is hard

otto🤠: and so is life in general

otto🤠: it's so expensive??? i'm just trying to not starve and not get diseases???????????

aws™: god dude i feel that

aws™: i'm really glad you're my friend again. sorry for cutting all of you guys off when geoff and i split :-/

otto🤠: nah dude it's totally fine. look at you now, you're getting better

otto🤠: soon you'll be too powerful and idk what i'll do then

aws™: lmao if only u knew

aws™: also geoff's working late tonight right?

otto🤠: yeahhhh why

aws™: i'm planning a surprise you need to stay out too i don't want u knowing anything besides a surprise

otto🤠: weird and cryptic but ok

otto🤠: you want me to pick anything up for you? i know how you've been abt being in town alone recently

aws™: nah it's all good i've been planning this for awhile so i shouldddd be all set

otto🤠: alrighty then

aws™: if i do need anything all let you know but mostly i just want you to keep geoff busy if i need more time

otto🤠: you want me to leave for tonight then lmao

otto🤠: seeeeeems like y'all gonna fuck


aws™: don't make this difficult for me >:-(

otto🤠: lmao chill dude i'm jus messin w u

aws™: i know i'm just


aws™: yknow?

otto🤠: yeah. but i was gonna be at graces tonight anyway so.

aws™: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

otto🤠: "ItS nOt LiKe ThAt"

aws™: suck it otter boy

aws™: aNnnywayyy back to me super secret project lmao later loser

otto🤠: have fun lmao

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