First time seeing you, on your wedding day

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Bjorn would be so serious, He'd keep his face to the front. waiting for when he can look at you, taking the sight of you in. His eyes going wide, but his face making and odd look. In between serious, I can't wait for you to be mine.


Ubbe would watch every step you made getting closer to him. When his eyes meet yours he would give you the smallest smile. watching it grow across his face would cause you to smile. Making you both feel at ease.


Not being able to do serious for very long. Hvitserk would have turned facing you and his face showing an emotional look. Almost shock, he would applaud you. embarrassing you at first. But in turn the whole hall will erupt with an applause both at the sight of you. But in awe that the day had happened and he wasn't second best to anyone.


Sigurd wouldn't be able to take his eyes off you. so much so he woul want to walk in with you and have you at his side the whole time. You would feel his eyes on your at every moment. his smile never faltering.


Ivar would still be in shock at the fact its actually happening. So much so he would have Hvitserk or Ubbe help prop him up. refusing to make eye contact with you or anyone. But when his brothers would act as his eyes, His smile would show. His body getting shaky... not because of his inability to stand for prolonged amount of time. With nerves. 

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