Sleeping Together

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After a full day of just monitoring his brothers and planning for new raids. Bjorn would finally settle in bed, he would instant begin to relax. Rolling over on his side to face you, he would tell you about his day... well what he could without endangering you. In a subtle way to calm him down and still allow yourself to listen you would link fingers, wiggling your fingers together. Eventually interloping them. Bjorn would then roll over and loop his arm around your shoulders, tracing the outline of your shoulder tattoo until you fell asleep in his arms.


Ubbe would come back from another meeting with his brothers, he would be annoyed about his younger brothers would side together in decisions makings... namely Ivar and Hvitserk. While Sigurd would throw insults. As he would slide into bed under the furs, you would stir. Rolling over to see him, asking him if he wanted to talk.

He would simply pull you closer and rest his arm over you, caressing your hairline and ear with his thumb, placing gentle kisses to your head. Saying how all he wanted to do is stay like this, until you would both drift off.


Hvitserk being the playful and always jokey one, would not stop even before bed. He would push you down on the bed and crawl up beside you, rolling you to your side and playfully nuzzling your ear. Once he heard you laugh, his grip would tighten around you and he would hold you closer. Once he would settle he would lay on his back with you tucked up over him. Your legs intertwined with his, and his fingers playing with your hair. He wouldn't close his eyes until he could feel your body relax and hear the sound of your faint breathing in the air. He would also fall asleep with a smile on his face.


Sigurd would love coming home, looking forward to cuddling up to would be what got him through the day. When you would smile at him, his bitterness would almost float away. He was able to be soppy and sensitive, without people scowling and saying it was queer.

He would wrap his arm around your neck, holding you in close to him. his lips touch your head and nose and he would leave gentle kisses on your head. He would close his eyes in content, just being happy to have you. He wouldn't say anything until he thinks you were drifting off to sleep, when he would whisper how he loves you.


Ivar would love coming home from his day of strategies, planning and diplomacies to find you already settled in bed. He would try his best not to wake you, although you both knew that you could never settle to full sleep until he was back. You would hear him taking his leathers off.

You would pull the furs back for Ivar to crawl up to you. He would leave his legs in between yours and rest his body on yours. You would pull the furs over the pair of you both, while you would un-braid his hair. Sometimes you could hear him purr as he gave into your touch. Your fingers playing with his loose hair, your arm holding him in close. You could feel his whole body soften and relax in your embrace. He would mutter how much he loved you, as he drifted to sleep and you would shortly follow.

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