Going Public

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Bjorn wouldn't feel the need to go public, the only people he would tell would be his mother. But for everyone else he would just make it publicly known with the way he would act. He would spend the night with you. Having dinner with you, train with you and just show his presence in the town with you by his side. A whole load of hand holding. His favourite tactic would be when he would lean in and whisper to you, his voice brushing against your ear. He could have a whole conversation between just you and himself. The standing back and watching you smile, the small laugh you would give, causing his smile to grow. There would be no doubt in anyone's mind, that you were his.


Ubbe would announce you both being together over a family meal. He would tell family first although he's brothers would have already known. Hvitserk in particular would have made sly remarks, asking to share you as they had Margarethe. Ubbe would always say "not this time" or how you were "his and only his". From then on, the brothers would make you feel welcome. Although, Hvitserk's eyes would linger one to many times. Ubbe would end up flicking some food at him, his hand reaching for yours while he kissed the back of it.


Hvitserk wouldn't actually go public himself. It would be one of his brothers dropping him in a situation; Most likely Ivar or Sigurd. For example, you would be at a feast, trying to keep your distance. You had known that he was well known for sleeping about, you were never certain of where you stood. Until his brothers would make a remark... most likely asking when he last saw another of his women. He would reply with how he hadn't seen them; or how he spends his time with you. Another situation could be when he would steal food off your plate, his brothers would seize the moment while his mouth was full. One of his brothers most likely Sigurd would ask you "how did you manage to tame Hvitserk?" or even "So when are you guys going to admit you're together?" it would cause Hvitserk to choke on his food, glaring at the culprit and


Sigurd would go public with you in the only way he knew how. He would be playing some music at the feast, he would smile at you, as you sat beside him. At the end of the song he would lean in and give you a kiss in front of everyone. His brothers would roll their eyes, while Ubbe would pat him on the shoulder.

"Does this mean you guys are official then?" he would ask.

Sigurd would look up to you, waiting on your answer as you nodded in response. The smile that grew on Sigurd's face, would be one so bright you hadn't seen before.


Ivar would be so overwhelmed at the prospect of you wanting to be with him; and only him. He would tell his mother first, followed by his brothers. Sigurd would be last to know however, he never had the best relationship with him. Ivar would be torn on how or when to go public with you, his paranoia and anger having caused so many enemies, fearful they might use you to get to him. But, in the time it took with him hesitating; he grew angry with people trying to spend time with you. One day he would he would have a man at the throat, growling so many threats. Finishing with "Now leave here alone! She's mine!" as the man would flee. All the villagers now knowing the truth, he knew he would have some making up to do however, for causing a scene.

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