Late Night Conversations

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Your late-night conversations with Bjorn, would often be spent when you come home from the feasts at the great hall. Reviewing the events of the night, who was talking to who, who fought with who. Bjorn would like just sitting on the chair, with a horn of mean in his hands listening to you speak. He would go silent, humming along to encourage you to carry on. Eventually he would lean in and kiss you, you would hum and look at him.

"what was that for?" you asked.

"I just love hearing your voice" Bjorn would smile at you.


Ubbe would stay up till all hours, cuddled up with you in bed. Tracing any part of your skin he could reach. Craning his neck to be able to look up at you, not wanting to miss anything. The way your lips moved, the way you would roll your eyes when something had annoyed you. Whether you would talk about his day or your own, even talking about the future or old memories. There would be nothing that wouldn't be discussed. Ubbe would love when you would yawn, signalling that you were growing tired. It would be then that he would find you at your cutest.

"Sorry love" You yawned placing a hand to cover your mouth.

"Someone's tired" Ubbe laughed, "I will be right here when you wake up in the morning" He would smile at you kissing your nose.


Late night conversations with Hvitserk, would usually happen when he would come back from a full day of meetings and talks. He would feel conflicted and stressed, often about the tensions between his brothers. He would come in the room, kicking his boots off and plonking down on the bed. You would soon join him on the end, watching him and smiling at him. No matter what you were doing beforehand, you would stop to make sure he had your attention. He would begin with a deep sigh, with you moving closer to him. Reaching for his hand, tracing circles along the back of it. He would lean into you kissing your shoulder, rubbing his cheek against it before sitting back.

"What have your brothers done today?" You would ask with a smile on your face, already sure they were the cause of Hvitserk's upset.

"Same old" He smiled at you.

"Want to talk about it?" you asked, as Hvitserk would list and re-enact all that had happened throughout the day. Once he had finished he would look at you, a small smile on his lips, waiting on your take and views on the situations. You would often finish speaking yours views, with a goofy face causing him to laugh. You could see him relax for the first time that night, knowing he would be able to rest.


Sigurd would enjoy the late-night conversations with you. He would listen to you and all you had to say, enjoying your experiences of the day and being out with the people. He would wish he could experience the world as you do. But, would settle for how you described it. When you spoke, you would sometimes be worried you were boring him. His face would be still but content listening to you.

"I am sorry I keep going on" You would sigh at him.

"Not at all" He would smile back. "I enjoy listening to you" He would pinch your nose to get a smile from you. leaning in and placing a kiss on your lips.


Ivar would love coming back, finding you already tucking up into bed. He would easily undress and sit up under the furs, his back resting again the headboard. He would kiss your forehead, letting you know he was back. You never fully understood why but, you would love how tender he was. You never minded him waking you up. You would roll on your back and join him resting against the head board. His arm would wrap around your waist, easing you into his side.

"How was your day?" Ivar asked a smile on his face.

"it was lovely, looked around the market and stalls" you would begin, telling about everything you had heard. He would rest his head on your shoulder, your fingers playing with his hair. His smile on his face never fading, his hand would find yours and he would place a kiss on it. The pair of you would slouch down under the furs, talking until one of you would fall asleep.

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